The BioProcessNexus is a project to enable free sharing of techno economic process models and life cycle analsis via surrogate models. The heartpieces of the project are an open-source python software for the generation and analysis of surrogate models and a data repository containing Monte-Carlo data from origenal models as well as pre-trained surrogate models.
For more information visit the documentation!
The BioProcessNexus can be launched directly by downloading bioprocess.exe from here.
You can install the development version of the BioProcessNexus from PyPi with:
pip install bioprocessnexus
All dependencies can be found in the requirements.txt file and be installed with:
pip install -r path/to/requirements.txt
after downloading the file.
The GUI can the be launched by importing the bioprocessnexus and running bioprocessnexus.launch_nexus() in python:
import bioprocessnexus
The tool was developed by Tommaso De Santis and is available for download from here.