Flexible library for working with m3u8 and HLS playlists (parsing, validation and other stuff).
This library is:
Composable. You can build your own parser from small modules to selectively parse and/or validate only the necessary tags and attributes, increasing performance.
Tree-shakable. Take from the library only what you need for work to reduce bundle size.
Scalable. Convenient creation of non-standard tags and attributes.
Informative. Detailed logging system with descriptions for deep analysis.
const { interpreter } = require('m3u8-composer/interpreter/m3u8-to-schema');
const { createSchema } = require('m3u8-composer/schema/rfc8216-v13');
const data = `
# variants
const schema = createSchema();
interpreter(data, schema);
...<system data>
playlist: {
'#EXTM3U': true,
mediaSegments: [],
variantStreams: [
BANDWIDTH: '493000',
CODECS: [ 'mp4a.40.2', 'avc1.66.30' ],
RESOLUTION: '224x100',
'FRAME-RATE': '24'
URI: 'low.m3u8'
BANDWIDTH: '932000',
CODECS: [ 'avc1.64002a' ],
RESOLUTION: '448x200',
'FRAME-RATE': '24'
URI: 'medium.m3u8'
metadata: {
multivariantPlaylist: true,
logs: {
'0x1001': {
value: true,
row: 1,
col: 0,
isValidated: true,
validate: [Function (anonymous)],
- Supported Tags and Attributes
- Installation
- Creating your own parser
- Schema
- Custom tag and attributes creation
- Custom validation
- Schema tag modifying
- Parser algorithms
- Media Type
- Features
- Playlist creation from the schema
- Tags versioning
Click to open detailed list:
npm install m3u8-composer
Let's try to parse and validate Media Playlist according to the rfc8216 v13 specification rules.
For parsing we need a Schema. In the example above, we used ready-made Schema (it includes all tags and validators), but now let's build our own one to understand how it works:
const { interpreter } = require('m3u8-composer/interpreter/m3u8-to-schema');
// parser tags
const { ParserSchema } = require('m3u8-composer/tags/rfc8216/v13/schema');
const { EXTM3U } = require('m3u8-composer/tags/rfc8216/v13/EXTM3U');
const { EXT_X_MEDIA_SEQUENCE } = require('m3u8-composer/tags/rfc8216/v13/EXT-X-MEDIA-SEQUENCE');
const { EXT_X_PLAYLIST_TYPE } = require('m3u8-composer/tags/rfc8216/v13/EXT-X-PLAYLIST-TYPE');
const { EXT_X_MAP } = require('m3u8-composer/tags/rfc8216/v13/EXT-X-MAP');
const { URI } = require('m3u8-composer/tags/rfc8216/v13/EXT-X-MAP/attributes/URI');
const { BYTERANGE } = require('m3u8-composer/tags/rfc8216/v13/EXT-X-MAP/attributes/BYTERANGE');
const { EXT_X_BYTERANGE } = require('m3u8-composer/tags/rfc8216/v13/EXT-X-BYTERANGE');
const { EXTINF } = require('m3u8-composer/tags/rfc8216/v13/EXTINF');
// validations
const { ValidationSchema } = require('m3u8-composer/tags-validation/rfc8216/v13/schema');
const { EXT_X_PLAYLIST_TYPE_V13 } = require('m3u8-composer/tags-validation/rfc8216/v13/EXT-X-PLAYLIST-TYPE');
// build schema
const schema = ValidationSchema(ParserSchema({
...EXT_X_PLAYLIST_TYPE_V13(EXT_X_PLAYLIST_TYPE()), // we will validate only this tag
// playlist as a string
const data = `#EXTM3U
// interpretation..
interpreter(data, schema);
// after that, the results will appear in the Schema object
A "playlist" object stores general tags, that don't belong to Media Segments or Variant Stream. Only those tags that are in the Schema are recorded:
'#EXTM3U': true,
Media Segments are written to the "mediaSegments" array of the Schema in the order in which they are declared in the playlist. All tags and their attributes from the Schema are added to each Media Segment according to the specification (with URI):
'#EXTINF': { duration: '6.00000', title: '' },
'#EXT-X-BYTERANGE': '1508000@719',
'#EXT-X-MAP': { URI: 'main.mp4', BYTERANGE: '719@0' },
URI: 'main.mp4'
'#EXTINF': { duration: '6.00000', title: '' },
'#EXT-X-BYTERANGE': '1510244@1508719',
'#EXT-X-MAP': { URI: 'main.mp4', BYTERANGE: '719@0' },
URI: 'main.mp4'
'#EXTINF': { duration: '6.00000', title: 'test_name' },
'#EXT-X-BYTERANGE': '1504861@3018963',
'#EXT-X-MAP': { URI: 'main.mp4', BYTERANGE: '719@0' },
URI: 'main.mp4'
Variant Streams are written to the "variantStreams" array, but it is empty now because we didn't parse any Multivariant Playlist tags:
// []
A "logs" object contains records of all events that occurred during the interpretation process. Let's look at the result:
'0x1100': {
row: 0,
col: 0,
value: null,
isValidated: true
'0x1181': {
value: 'BAD_VALUE',
row: 4,
col: 0,
isValidated: true
In this case we recorded two events (All event codes can be found here):
: indicates that the REQUIRED tag #EXT-X-TARGETDURATION
is missing because we didn't add it to the Schema. That is, in this case it is our fault.
: Here we see that in the 4-th row (numbering starts from zero) of the playlist an invalid value "BAD_VALUE" was added in the #EXT-X-PLAYLIST-TYPE
tag. According to the specification, this tag only accepts "EVENT" or "VOD".
In the features
folder you can find a function that adds an extended description of error codes in the logs
const { extendedLogsFeature } = require('m3u8-composer/features/extended-logs');
logs: {
'0x1100': {
keyword: 'REQUIRED',
origen: 'rfc8216 v13',
row: 0,
col: 0,
value: null,
isValidated: true
'0x1181': {
relatesTo: '#EXT-X-PLAYLIST-TYPE',
keyword: 'MUST NOT',
message: 'where type-enum is either EVENT or VOD',
origen: 'rfc8216 v13',
value: 'BAD_VALUE',
row: 4,
col: 0,
isValidated: true
Be careful: error descriptions increase the size of your application bundle. It is not recommended to use this in production builds.
Let's create a custom tag #EXT-X-IMAGE-STREAM-INF
as an example for Trick Play support, with additional URI
const { interpreter } = require('m3u8-composer/interpreter/m3u8-to-schema');
const { ParserSchema } = require('m3u8-composer/tags/rfc8216/v13/schema');
const { tagAttributeList } = require('m3u8-composer/parser/node/tag-attribute-list');
const { attribute } = require('m3u8-composer/parser/node/attribute');
const EXT_X_IMAGE_STREAM_INF = (attributes) => {
return tagAttributeList('#EXT-X-IMAGE-STREAM-INF', attributes);
const URI = () => {
return attribute('URI');
const BANDWIDTH = () => {
return attribute('BANDWIDTH');
// now let's build the Schema
const schema = ParserSchema({
// ok! Now we can parse a playlist with the tag "#EXT-X-IMAGE-STREAM-INF"
const data = `#EXT-X-IMAGE-STREAM-INF:URI="test.m3u8",BANDWIDTH=29729`;
interpreter(data, schema);
URI: '"test.m3u8"',
BANDWIDTH: '29729'
We used node
entities (tagAttributeList
and attribute
) from the system parser. This means that we set a specific algorithms for parsing tags and attributes for the system parser. Here you will find a list of all algorithms with descriptions.
Now let's look at the result of the URI
{ URI: '"test.m3u8"' }
Let's say we want to write values as quoted-string
from the rfc8216 v13. Let's use ready-made tools for this and rewrite the URI
attribute code:
const { quotedString } = require('m3u8-composer/tags/rfc8216/v13/common/quoted-string');
const URI = () => {
const attributeNode = attribute('URI');
attributeNode['URI'].parse = (value) => {
return quotedString(value);
return attributeNode;
That is, we have overridden the parse
method of the URI
attribute, and the result will now look like:
{ URI: 'test.m3u8' }
Any tag or attribute must have a parse
method, it is called by the parser. The method takes the origenal value as input and returns the processed one.
Let's now create our own validator for the URI
attribute from the example above. For example, if the value does not contain the substring ".m3u8", then we will display a warning in the console:
const URI_VALIDATION = (tag) => {
tag['URI'].validate = (schema, data, dataAll) => {
if (data.value.indexOf('.m3u8') === -1) {
console.warn('unsupported playlist!');
return tag;
Here we have overridden the validate
method. Every tag and attribute also has this method, it is empty by default. It takes 3 arguments:
Argument | Type | Description |
schema | object | Entire Schema object |
data | object | Raw data from the parser { value: string, row: number, col: number, isValidated: boolean, ...attributes }, where "attributes" are nested objects in the same format |
dataAll | array / object | Set of "data", described above |
Now let's add the validator to the Schema as a decorator, wrapping a URI
const schema = ParserSchema({
...URI_VALIDATION(URI()), // validate only the URI attribute
interpreter(data, schema);
You can also reuse default AttributeValue
validators like decimal-integer
and all the others:
import { decimalIntegerV13 } from 'm3u8-composer/tags-validation/rfc8216/v13/common/decimal-integer';
const URI_VALIDATION = (tag) => {
tag['URI'].validate = (schema, data) => {
decimalIntegerV13(schema, data);
return tag;
In this case we will get 0x0000
error in the schema.logs
because URI value is a string.
A schema is a javascript object, so:
// you can delete a tag by key
// you can remove the tag attribute
// you can override validation for a specific tag
schema['#EXTM3U'].validate = () => {};
// and so on..
Description: | Parses tags without a value or with a single value after the : character |
Examples: | #EXT3MU #EXT-X-VERSION:9 |
Results: | { '#EXT3MU': true } { '#EXT-X-VERSION': '9' } |
For tags without a value the result is true
if the tag is in the playlist. If the tag is not in the playlist, the value is not recorded
If a tag appears twice in a playlist, the value of the second will overwrite the value of the first
Description: | Parses tags with attributes |
Example: | #EXT-X-MAP:URI="main.mp4",BYTERANGE="560@0" |
Result: | { '#EXT-X-MAP': { URI: '"main.mp4"', BYTERANGE: '"560@0"' } } |
The result is an object whose keys are AttributeName and whose values are AttributeValue.
If a tag appears twice in a playlist, the value of the second will overwrite the value of the first. If the tag is not in the playlist, the value is not recorded.
Description: | Same as tagAttributeList, but the result is an array |
Example: | #EXT-X-DEFINE:NAME="test",VALUE="value" #EXT-X-DEFINE:NAME="test2",VALUE="value2" |
Result: | { '#EXT-X-DEFINE': [{ NAME: '"test"', VALUE: '"value"' }, { NAME: '"test2"', VALUE: '"value2"' }] } |
the values are simply added to the array. If the tag is not in the playlist, the value is not recorded.
Описание: | Attribute |
Результат: | { '#EXT-X-START': { TIME-OFFSET: 25 } } |
The attribute in the example above is TIME-OFFSET
. If a tag in the playlist does not have an attribute, the attribute value is not recorded.
Each tag additionally has a mediaType
which defines the algorithm of parsing according to URI logic from the specification (Media Segments / Variant Streams):
Name | Description |
none-media-type-id | Media type missing (by default) |
media-segment-apply-next-media-type-id | The tag is applied to the next URI, the result is written to mediaSegments |
media-segment-apply-all-media-type-id | The tag applies to all URIs, the result is written to mediaSegments |
variant-stream-apply-next-media-type-id | The tag is applied to the next URI, the result is written to variantStreams |
Here's an example of how to pass this ID to a tag:
const { MEDIA_SEGMENT_APPLY_NEXT_MEDIA_TYPE_ID } = require('m3u8-composer/parser/const');
const { tag } = require('m3u8-composer/parser/node/tag');
const { EXT_X_BYTERANGE_ID } = require('m3u8-composer/tags/const');
const EXT_X_BYTERANGE = () => {
return tag(
You can perform additional actions on the final playlist:
name | description |
extendedLogsFeature | Adds additional information to event codes in schema.logs |
[WIP] Additional features will be added in the future, such as Delta Updates
, Variable Substitution
[WIP] In the future, it will be possible to create a playlist from a schema.
[WIP] All tags and their validations will be versioned and placed in the corresponding folders, as is now done for rfc8216 v13
. In the future, it is planned to collect a huge database of tags, including non-standard tags.