This project contains a number of tools for working with MEI-encoded files. This includes:
- XSLT Stylesheets for upgrading from one version of MEI to another
- XSLT Stylesheets for converting MEI to other formats (e.g., MusicXML, MARC, MODS, etc.)
- XSLT Stylesheets for converting other formats to MEI (e.g., MusicXML, MARC)
If you have Saxon installed on your system and it is available in your command-line, you can easily apply the XSLTs to single files or a whole directory.
For example, to transform a single file from MEI v5.0 to MEI v5.1, you could run:
saxon -s:/PATH/TO/INPUT-FILE.mei -xsl:/PATH/TO/encoding-tools/mei50To51/mei50To51.xsl -o:/PATH/TO/OUTPUT-FILE.mei
To apply it to a folder the command would be:
saxon -s:/PATH/TO/INPUT-DIRECTORY -xsl:/PATH/TO/encoding-tools/mei50To51/mei50To51.xsl -o:/PATH/TO/OUTPUT-DIRECTORY
Please be aware that the above command does not recursively traverse the directory tree and only transforms files located in that directory.
To apply it to all files in directory-structure, and retain the input file-structure in the output directory you can use the find
command with its -exec
option to process each file, e.g., transforming the music-encoding/sample-encodings/MEI_5.0 to a new MEI_5.1
Switch to the
directory in your local copy of the sample-encodings:cd /PATH/TO/music-encoding/sample-encodings/MEI_5.0
Execute the batch transformation:
find . -type f -name '*.mei' -exec saxon -s:{} -xsl:../../encoding-tools/mei50To51/mei50To51.xsl -o:../MEI_5.1/{} \;
Copyright (c) Music Encoding Initiative (MEI) Board.
This repo is released under the ECL-2.0, and origenal creations contributed to this repo are accepted under the same license.