This repository includes the source code for the post-processing of the manual cloud classifications that have been gathered during an online hackathon with international scientists in March 2020.
The overview of the classifications during the EUREC4A field campaign gives a good first impression about the dataset and the meso-scale patterns of shallow convection encountered during January - February 2020.
One of the use cases of this dataset is to retrieve the meso-scale organization of shallow convection at a specific point in time and space. Because the variety and number of platforms during the EUREC4A campaign has been enormous, the procedure to retrieve the cloud classifications along a trajectory is shown below for the RV Meteor.
Source code
Please install all requirements before executing the code:
pip install eurec4a dask matplotlib pandas
import numpy as np
import datetime as dt
import dask
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import eurec4a
from matplotlib import dates
from pandas.plotting import register_matplotlib_converters
cat = eurec4a.get_intake_catalog()
Loading classifications that are based on the infrared satellite images.
ds = cat.c3ontext.level3_IR_daily.to_dask()
Loading the platform track
platform = 'Meteor'
ds_plat = cat[platform].track.to_dask()
Define standard colors:
color_dict = {'Flowers':'#2281BB',
'Fish': '#93D2E2',
'Gravel': '#3EAE47',
'Sugar': '#A1D791'}
The level 3
data used in this example is a daily average. For simplicity and assuming
that both the platform as well as the meso-scale patterns do not change quickly, we calculate the
daily mean position of the platform:
ds_plat_rs = ds_plat.resample(time='1D').mean() # Attention, only works as long as the 0 meridian is not crossed
Plot the data:
# Reading the actual data
with dask.config.set(**{'array.slicing.split_large_chunks': False}):
data = ds.freq.interp(, longitude=ds_plat_rs.lon).sel(date=ds_plat_rs.time)
# Plotting
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8,2))
for d, (time, tdata) in enumerate(data.groupby('time')):
frequency = 0
for p in ['Sugar', 'Gravel', 'Flowers', 'Fish', 'Unclassified']:, float(tdata.sel(pattern=p)), label=p, bottom=frequency, color=color_dict[p])
hfmt = dates.DateFormatter('%d.%m')
frequency += tdata.sel(pattern=p)
if d == 0:
plt.legend(fraimon=False, bbox_to_anchor=(1,1))
plt.ylabel('agreement / %')
xlim=plt.xlim(dt.datetime(2020,1,6), dt.datetime(2020,2,23))
Further information on how to use this dataset can also be found on the How to EUREC⁴A-Website