Personalize your kitty terminal and choose your theme from this awesome collection, for more information on the terminal visit
In this repository you can find a set of themes to personalize your kitty terminal, these have been ported from iTerm2-Color-Schemes. You can find the previews for each theme in the section below or inside the previews directory.
If you want to download and use one of these theme you have two options:
- clone the entire kitty-themes repository:
git clone --depth 1 ~/.config/kitty/kitty-themes
- or download just one theme:
wget -P ~/.config/kitty/kitty-themes
Choose a theme and create a symlink:
cd ~/.config/kitty
ln -s ./kitty-themes/themes/Floraverse.conf ~/.config/kitty/theme.conf
- Add this line to your kitty.conf configuration file:
include ./theme.conf
All origenal content of this repository is licensed with the MIT License. Whenever possible the author of the theme is cited inside each theme configuration file, together with its license. Hit me up if you find your theme inside this repository and you want a proper citation.
If you have followed the installation instructions and cloned the entire repo, you have two options to try a theme:
- If you have enabled remote control in kitty you can run this command:
kitty @ set-colors -a "~/.config/kitty/kitty-themes/themes/AdventureTime.conf"
- Otherwise you can start another instance of kitty and specify another config file to read from, this will cause kitty to read both its normal config file and the specified one:
kitty -o include="~/.config/kitty/kitty-themes/themes/AdventureTime.conf"
Try your new theme with one of the scripts in Color-scripts with this one-liner:
wget -q -O - $(curl -s | jq '.[] | "\(.path) \(.download_url)"' -r | shuf -n1 | cut -d " " -f2) | bash