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30 GitHub - redpandatronicsuk/arty-charty: React Native plugin for rendering charts using ART
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ARTy Charty

React Native plugin for rendering charts that used to use ART, but now switched to react-native-svg


The goal of ARTy Charty is to produce animated, interactive, performant charts. It uses React Native ART to render the charts. Arty Charty does not rely on 3rd party libraries, such as D3, to produce the charts. This keeps the size of the library small (<80kb uncompressed and not-minified) and chart generating functions can be optimised for speed.

We noticed some issues with the ART library, so we switched to use react-native-svg instead.


npm i --save arty-charty

You also need to have react-native-svg in your project. You can find instructins on how to install it here.


For more advanced usage have a look at the demo app here.


The ArtyCharty component is used to display line, spline, area, area-spline and bars charts. Charts can be stacked on top of each other by passing in an array of charts. Each chart object in the array needs to specify the kind of chart it is (line, spline, area, area-spline or bars) and an array of data points, where each data point needs to have a value field, which will be used as the value on the Y axis.

Simple line chart example

Simple line chart

import { ArtyCharty } from 'arty-charty';
<ArtyCharty data={[{
          type: 'line',
          data: [{value: 2}, {value: 3}, {value: 1}]

Stacked charts

Stacked charts

import { ArtyCharty } from 'arty-charty';
        type: 'area',
        data: [{value: 3.48}, {value: 1.38}, {value: 6.73}, {value: 4.62}, {value: 3.14}],
        highCol: 'rgb(255,0,0)',
        lowCol: 'rgb(255,165,0)'
        type: 'bars',
        data: [{value: 2.16}, {value: 4.83}, {value: 4.04}, {value: 4.30}, {value: 5.26}],
        highCol: 'rgb(125,0,255)',
        lowCol: 'rgb(0,255,0)'
        type: 'line',
        data: [{value: 4.47}, {value: 5.99}, {value: 1.21}, {value: 3.17}, {value: 4.24}],
        lineColor: 'green'
        type: 'spline',
        data: [{value: 3.10}, {value: 2.61}, {value: 3.89}, {value: 1.54}, {value: 1.32}],
        lineColor: 'rgba(255,255,0,.8)'

Stacked charts with animation and Y-axis ticks

This is the same data as before with animations and selectable line markers and bars enabled. Stacked charts

import { ArtyCharty } from 'arty-charty';
        yAxisLeft={{numberOfTicks: 5}}
        type: 'area',
        data: [{value: 3.48}, {value: 1.38}, {value: 6.73}, {value: 4.62}, {value: 3.14}],
        highCol: 'rgb(255,0,0)',
        lowCol: 'rgb(255,165,0)',
        drawChart: true
        type: 'bars',
        data: [{value: 2.16}, {value: 4.83}, {value: 4.04}, {value: 4.30}, {value: 5.26}],
        highCol: 'rgb(125,0,255)',
        lowCol: 'rgb(0,255,0)',
        drawChart: true
        type: 'line',
        data: [{value: 4.47}, {value: 5.99}, {value: 1.21}, {value: 3.17}, {value: 4.24}],
        lineColor: 'green'
        type: 'spline',
        data: [{value: 3.10}, {value: 2.61}, {value: 3.89}, {value: 1.54}, {value: 1.32}],
        lineColor: 'rgba(255,255,0,.8)'

Step chart

Step chart

        type: 'step',
        lineColor: 'fuchsia',
        drawChart: true,
        data: Array.from(Array(40)).map(() => {
        let rand = Math.random() + 2;
        return {value: rand, valueLow: rand - Math.random() - .5};
        ]} />

Area-range chart

Area-range chart

        type: 'area-range',
        lineColor: 'rgba(255,0,0,.5)',
        highCol: 'rgb(255,0,0)',
        lowCol: 'rgb(255,165,0)',
        drawChart: true,
        data: Array.from(Array(20)).map(() => {
        let rand = Math.random() + 2;
        return {value: rand, valueLow: rand - Math.random() - .5};
        ]} />

Bars-range chart

Bars-range chart

        type: 'bars-range',
        lineColor: 'fuchsia',
        data: Array.from(Array(20)).map(() => {
        let rand = Math.random() + 2;
        return {value: rand, valueLow: rand - Math.random() - .5};
        ]} />

Bars-3d chart

Bars-3d chart

        type: 'bars-3d',
        drawChart: true,
        data: Array.from(Array(3)).map((u, idx) => {
        let col = `rgb(${Math.round(Math.random()*255)},${Math.round(Math.random()*255)},${Math.round(Math.random()*255)})`;
            return Array.from(Array(5)).map((u2, idx2) => {
            let val = Math.random();
            return {value: val, color: shadeColor(col, 1 - val)};
    ]} />

Candlestick chart

Candlestick chart

        type: 'candlestick',
        lineColor: 'fuchsia',
        fillUp:  'orange',
        fillDown: 'rgba(0,0,0,0)',
        drawChart: true,
        data: Array.from(Array(20)).map(() => {
            let rand = Math.random() + 2, open, close, low, high;
            if (Math.random() > .5) {
            open = rand + Math.random();
            high = open + Math.random();
            close = rand - Math.random();
            low = close - Math.random();
            } else {
            open = rand - Math.random();
            low = open - Math.random();
            close = rand + Math.random();
            high = close + Math.random();
            return {open, close, low, high};
        type: 'candlestick',
        lineColor: 'blue',
        fillUp:  'green',
        fillDown: 'red',
        drawChart: true,
        data: Array.from(Array(20)).map(() => {
            let rand = Math.random() + 7, open, close, low, high;
            if (Math.random() > .5) {
            open = rand + Math.random();
            high = open + Math.random();
            close = rand - Math.random();
            low = close - Math.random();
            } else {
            open = rand - Math.random();
            low = open - Math.random();
            close = rand + Math.random();
            high = close + Math.random();
            return {open, close, low, high};
        ]} />


ArtyCharty component parameters
Parameter Type Description
animated boolean If set to true the chart will be animated. TODO: Add animation parameters to documentation (timing functions, etc...)
clickFeedback boolean If set to true a material design like click feedback is shown on clicks
interactive boolean If set to true line markers and bars are selectable.
onMarkerClick(clickedChartIdx, clickedEntryIdx) function If interactive is set to true, this function will be called with the first parameter being the index of the chart that was clicked and the second parameter the index of the data point on that chart that was clicked.
yAxisLeft object If this parameter is set, the yAxis will be drawn, with the specified options, e.g. {numberOfTicks: 3, TODO: Add more options...}
data array Array containing chart objects, see next section for description.
width number Width in pixels of the chart.
Chart object

The data parameter for the ArtyCharty component is an array of chart objects, with the following options:

Property Type Description
type string The type of the chart to render, available types: line, spline, area, area-spline, bars
data *array Array containing the data points of the chart. See table 'Data object' below for what the objects in this array should look like for the diferent chart types.
drawChart boolean If set to true the chart will be animated from left to right.
lineColor string The color of the line for line charts or the border color for the bar chart.
Area and bar chart only
highCol string The fill color for high values
lowCol string The fill color for low values
The fill color used for the bar or area chart for a specific point will be the interpolation between the high and low value. E.g. if highCol is set to red and lowCol to green, then the bar with the highest value will have a red fill and the one with the lowest value will have a green fill.
Data object
Chart type Description
line, spline, area, spline-area {value: number}
area-range {value: number, valueLow: number}
candlestick {open: number, close: number, low: number, high: number}


Pie chart

import { ArtyChartyPie } from 'arty-charty';
    data: [
        {value: .6, color: 'red'},
        {value: 5, color: 'green'},
        {value: 3, color: 'blue'}]


Parameter Type Description
data array Array of data objects
onSliceClick(clickedSliceIdx) function Call back when a pie slice is clicked, the index of the clicked slice is passed as the argument to the callback function.
Data objects
Property Type Description
color string Color of the slice
value number Value


Stacked donut chart

    style={{overflow: 'visible'}}
        stackInnerRadius: 250,
        stackouterRadius: 400,
        gap: 15,
        data: [
        {data: [{ value: 84, color: "rgba(255,255,0,.75)"}, {value: 16, color: "rgba(50,50,50,.75)"}]},
        {data: [{value: 6, color: 'red'}, {value: 5, color: 'green'}, {value: 3, color: 'blue'}]},
        {data: [{value: 3, color: 'orange'}, {value: 15, color: 'purple'}, {value: 3, color: 'yellow'}]}


Parameter Type Description
data array Array of data objects
stackInnerRadius number The radius of the inner most donut chart
stackouterRadius number The radius of the outer most donut chart
gap number Gap size in pixels between donut charts
Data objects
Property Type Description
color string Color of the slice
value number Value


Radar chart

import { ArtyChartyRadar } from 'arty-charty';
  labels={['Pace', 'Shooting', 'Passing', 'Dribbling', 'Defending', 'Physical']}
      lineColor: 'black',
      markerColor: 'yellow',
      fill: 'rgba(85,37,130,.25)',
      data: Array.from(Array(6)).map(Math.random)
      lineColor: 'aqua',
      lineWidth: 5,
      strokeDash: [0,10],
      lineCap: 'round',
      markerColor: 'blue',
      fill: 'rgba(255,0,0,.25)',
      data: Array.from(Array(6)).map(Math.random)


Parameter Type Description
gridColor string Color of the grid
gridLineWidth number Line width of the grid
gridStrokeDash array SVG dash-array of the grid line
gridTextColor string Color of the grid ticks text
gridTextSize number Size of the grid ticks text
labelsTextColor string Color of the outer labels text
labelsTextSize number Size of the outer labels text
fill string Backgroud color of the chart
Labels array Array of strings to use as labels
data array Array of data objects
onMarkerClick(clickedMarkerIdx, clickedChartIdx) function Call back when a markeris clicked, the index of the point is passed and the index of the dataset are passed as arguments to the callback function.
Data objects
Property Type Description
lineColor string Color of the line
lineWidth number Width of the line
lineCap string SVG line cap of the line
strokeDash array SVG dash-array of the line
markerColor string Color of the marker
fill string Fill color
data array Array of numbers


ArtyChartyXY is used to plot data on a X-Y axis, such as scatter and bubble charts.


Parameter Type Description
type string The type of X-Y chart, either scatter or bubble.
data array Array of data objects.
animated boolean If set to true the chart will be animated.
width number The width of the chart.
height number The height of the chart.
showGrid boolean If set to true the grid will be shown.
pointRadius number The point radius for scatter charts only, for bubble charts, the bubble's radius is determined by its value
color string The color of the points or bubble, note: point colors can also be set individually, see below.
onPointClick(clickedPointIdx) function Callback function when a point is clicked with the index of the clicked point as the functions argument.


Scatter chart

    data={Array.from(Array(20)).map(()=> {
        return {x: Math.random()*20, y: Math.random()* 10
Data objects
Property Type Description
x number X coordinate of the point
y number Y coordinate of the point
color string Color of the slice
value number Value


Bubble chart

    data={Array.from(Array(20)).map(()=> { 
    return {
        x: Math.random()*20, 
        y: Math.random()* 10, 
        value: Math.random()* 20, 
        color: `rgba(${Math.round(Math.random() * 255)},${Math.round(Math.random() * 255)},${Math.round(Math.random() * 255)}, .5)` }
Data objects

Same as for scatter with additionally:

Property Type Description
value number Value, used to determine the radius of the bubble.


For the line and pie chart there is also a spark (inline chart) component, which are light-weight versions of their full chart components. Axes, animations, click interactions have been removed and the ability to stack charts.






    data={{data: Array.from(Array(5)).map(() => {
        return {
            value: Math.random(),
            color: `rgb(${Math.round(Math.random()*255)},${Math.round(Math.random()*255)},${Math.round(Math.random()*255)})`



<ArtyChartyHeatmap data={[
]} highColor="red" lowColor="blue" />


If you find bugs or have any suggestions, please open an issue. Pull requests are also welcome. All charts are rendered as SVG paths, have a look at this CodePen if you want to get more familiar with SVG paths and how we use them to generate charts.


  • Better documentation, add default values to parameter tables

  • Add more parameters: [markerRadius, selectedMarkerRadii, markerColor, selectedMarkerColors, yAxis stuff, xAxis, animation stuff] and imporve parameter names

  • More chart types [stacked-columns]

  • Nicer animations for adding/removing data points from the chart

  • Editable/draggable points with onValueChange callback function

  • Try replacing panlistener transformX with offset in render function, that can also be used to render only points shown on the screen!!!


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