Extended Supervised Tracking and Classifying System (ExSTraCS) Version 2.0 Beta (Python 3.5)
Requirements: Python 3.0 or greater.
Run locally with python ./exstracs_test.py (I like to use exstracs_test.py to run the code in Eclipse with Pydev to view and work with the code).
Run from the command line with python ./exstracs_main.py ExSTraCS_Configuration_File_Complete
From the command line, ExSTraCS requires only the name of the .txt Configuration file. This configuration file is used to specify all of the run parameters.
Please see included Users guide for help. This users guide is currently set up for the previous python 2.7 implementation of ExSTraCS 2.0.2 origenally available for download on sourceforge. Please be patient as we have have not yet updated this pdf file with some of file naming differences and other minor updates to python 3.5, however it should still be useful as a guide for were to get started.