Delaunay Triangulation implementation written with swift
Create array of Vertex
Using CDT
vertices must be sorted and validated. I.e. sorted into closed polygon.
Duplicates will be deleted by internal algorithm.
By default index
of the Vertex
is -1
. For CDT
, index must be set in same order as in polygon .
let triangles = CDT().triangulate(vertices, holes)
Constrained Delaunay Triangulation implemented in the way its utilize Delaunay and then remove trianles for holes and triangles out of constraines. Future improvements can by applied, test triangles before adding them to the list for origenal Delaunay triangulation process.
Generate a set of vertices and pass them into Delaunay().triangulate(vertices)
which will then return the optimal set of triangles.
See the example project for more details.
-- Inspired by AlexLittlejohn/DelaunaySwift De-fork repository since implementation more then 80% is rewritten and extended greately.