A helper tool for converting and formatting Outputs into human readable format.
Run composer require sam0hack/dconverter dev-master
After you have installed dconverter , open your Laravel config file config/app.php and add the following lines in the $aliases array.
'DConverter' => sam0hack\dconverter\DC::class,
SizeFormat --- SizeFormat convert's the laravel getSize() Or bytes data into kb, mb and gb Hours --- Calculate Hours betweens Two dates Percentage --- Calculate Percentage MakeColors --- Simply generate hex color DistanceMatrix --- Calculate Time and distance between two locations using google distance API
- 99.24 kB
- 100 Mb
- 1 GB
#####Output examples
- 240
- 1
- 60
calculate percentage using hours
$totalhours = DC::Hours($start_date,$end_date);
$currentHours = DC::Hours($start_date,$now_date);
$percentage = DC::Percentage($currentHours,$totalhours);
- 25
- 33.0
- -150
- "#0951e7"
- "#071377"
- "#cdda5d"
For Setup DistanceMatrix you need to add google API into config/services.php
'google'=>[ 'GOOGLE_API_KEY' => env('GOOGLE_MAP_API_KEY') ], OR without using env google'=>[ 'GOOGLE_API_KEY' => 'paste you google map api key here' ],
@Note Config key should be GOOGLE_API_KEY
DC::DistanceMatrix('New York Ave, El Paso, TX 79902, USA','86 W Houston St, New York, NY 10012, USA')
$distance = $dist['distance'];
$time = $dist['time'];
- "2,184 mi"
- "1 day 8 hours"
DistanceMatrix Modes - Optionals For the calculation of distances, you may specify the transportation mode to use. By default, distances are
calculated for driving mode. The following travel modes are supported: driving (default) indicates distance calculation using the road network. walking requests distance calculation for walking via pedestrian paths & sidewalks (where available). bicycling requests distance calculation for bicycling via bicycle paths & preferred streets (where available).
DC::DistanceMatrix($origen, $destination,'walking');