Software Enginnering Undergraduate at NSBM Green University
CEO & co-Founder at Codezela Technologies
Freelance Developer Online
const sayuru = {
pronouns: "he" | "him",
skills: [Python, NextJs, ReactJs, Express, NodeJs, Laravel, Typescript, Java, JSP, C#, ASP.NET, Kotlin, Flutter, Mocha],
beginner: [React, Solidity, Truffle],
tools: [WordPress, Webflow, Notion, Shopify],
editor: [VS Code, IntelliJ IDEA, Android Studio],
services: [MongoDB, SQL, Firebase, Google Cloud, MS Azure],
architecture: ["full-stack-development", "quality-assurance"],
Other: {
podcast-host: "HMM with Sayuru & Chanuka",
writer: "Web content & articles"
challenge: "I'm currently doing daily challenges focused on Next.JS & Python"
⭐️ From @Sayuru-Akash
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Download the PDF version of my cv at sayurus-cv.pdf
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