Scanarium takes your filled in coloring pages and lets them come to life, by animating them in a given set of scenes. Scanarium should be resource-friendly to run on old hardware, and can be viewed on any modern browser or mobile phone.
At Scanarium is running live. Uploading files has been disabled to avoid creepy content. But the site is good enough to show what you can expect.
├── backend -- All backend services (Python)
├── commands -- Files that trigger commands when scanned
├── conf -- Configuration files
├── docs -- Documentation files
├── dynamic -- Dynamic, scanned content (generated by
├── dynamic.sample -- Some sample content for initial deployment
├── frontend -- All frontend files (JavaScript)
├── images -- General purpos images (See `scenes` for scene images)
├── localization -- Localization files
├── maintenance -- Files/scripts to ease maintenance
├── scanarium -- Python library to support `backend` scripts
├── scenes -- Static data for scenes, actors (i.e. rockets,...) etc.
├── services -- Auxiliary service (e.g.: Scanning service, webserver)
└── tests -- Tests for the Python part of the code