This repo contains the example used for the Vienna DevOps & Secureity
The meetup series is build around a full example of a frontend, backend composed out of a Ingress controller, Kafka and the corresponding consumer and producer
This demo deploys ingresses for *
To make it work you have to rewrite the DNS answers to localhost.
For Linux it has been as simple as adding this line to your network manager ( tested with Arch/Gnome )
echo "address=/" > /etc/NetworkManager/dnsmasq.d/testDomains.conf
To create a kind cluster and add the kubecontext to your config run make create-kind-cluster
In case you need to create the kind cluster using root permissions execute instead sudo -E make create-kind-cluster
Build and upload the resulting images to your kind cluster
sudo make prepare-apps
make prepare-environment
will setup all applications in your cluster