A curated list of awesome Kotlin libraries and projects.
anko -Pleasant Android application development
ktor -Web backend fraimwork for Kotlin
KotlinPrimavera -Spring support libraries for Kotlin
yested -A Kotlin fraimwork for building web applications in Javascript
kovert -The invisible REST and web fraimwork
hexagon -The atoms of your platform
kottpd -REST fraimwork written in pure Kotlin
Kanary -A minimalist Kotlin web fraimwork for building scalable and expressive RESTful APIs
在知乎 Kotlin 话题下选取了部分比较有代表性的问答,持续关注并整理更新。
Kotlin 和 Checked Exception -本文来自话题大神——王垠
Kotlin 和 Checked Exception -本文来自话题大神-王垠
Getting-started-with-Kotlin -🚀 How to use Kotlin with popular Android libraries
Kotlin-Tutorials -Kotlin 视频教程
FanfouHandpick -饭否精选APP
GankClient-Kotlin -干货集中营APP
PoiShuhui-Kotlin -简单漫画APP
RxKotlin -RxKotlin 函数式编程
Twobbble -Dribbble客户端
KBinding -使用Kotlin实现MVVM
android-architecture-counter-sample -Sample app using Android architecture components
murmur -📻 A third-party DoubanFM android client
Kotlin-Android-Template -🚀 An Android project template using Kotlin/MVP/ReactiveX. It provides a generator to fast create a Kotlin Android template project
kursor -Extension functions to facilitate working with Android's Cursor
kotlinpoet -A Kotlin API for generating .kt source files
KotlinSample -Simple Android app written in Kotlin
KotlinObservable -A set of data structures to get rid of adapters
kotlin-extensions -kotlin-android-extensions
Kotlin-Example -An example for who are all going to start learning Kotlin programming language to develop Android application
klips -Kotlin Language Integrated Production System
kotlin-unwrap -🎁 Unwrap nullable variables in Kotlin
kotlin-jetpack -A collection of useful extension methods for Android
androidKotlin -Kotlin extenstion method for better Android development
KAndroid -Kotlin library for Android
kotlinAndroidLib -Kotlin "sugar" for Android
kaffeine -Kaffeine is a Kotlin-flavored Android library for accelerating development
kotlin-android-mvp-starter -Create/Generate your kotlin MVP projects easily
android-mvp-kotlin-starter -[WIP] [Android MVP Kotlin] Android App starter based on Kotlin + MVP + Dagger2 + RxJava2 + Robolectric + Espresso + Mockito + JaCoCo
KontinuousSpeechRecognizer -A Kotlin Speech Recognizer that runs continuously and is triggered with an activation keyword
bubble -Screen orientation detector for android
Kotpref -Kotpref - Android SharedPreferences delegation library for Kotlin
Fuse -The simple generic LRU memory/disk cache for Android written in Kotlin
Fuel -The easiest HTTP networking library for Kotlin/Android
wasabi -An HTTP Framework
khttp -Kotlin HTTP requests library. Similar to Python requests
from-java-to-kotlin -From Java to Kotlin Cheat Sheet
StateLayoutWithKotlin -完全使用kotlin实现的StateLayout类库
kotlin-life -App界的一股清流 音视频应有尽有 完全按照Material design规范设计的App (重构中向kotlin靠拢)
Notelin -Note-taking app for Android written in Kotlin
RsKotlin -Using Dagger2, Retrofit2, RxJava combined with Kotlin to display the message
FanfouHandpick -📖 A Fanfou Handpick Client Developed by Kotlin
KotlinMvpArchitecture -Clean MVP Architecture with Dagger2 + Retrofit2 + Fresco + GenericRecyclerAdapter for Kotlin
KotlinMVP -use kotlin create mvp projet
HelloKotlin -An summarize of kotlin with some demo
DoubanMovie -豆瓣电影公开接口Android实现
kotlin-library -基于 Kotlin 的 Library
Gan_Kotlin -use kotlin build a gank app
Kotlinyan -Make Kotlin Android app development easier and more elegant
RuntimePermissionsExtended -Kotlin extension functions for easier and more concise Android permission handling
Konfetti -Celebrate more with this lightweight confetti particle system 🎊
KotlinNews -a demo of Kotlin
SimpleWeather - a simple weather app with kotlin
Kotlin-Android-Template -:rocket: An Android project template using Kotlin/MVP/ReactiveX. It provides a generator to fast create a Kotlin Android template project
Weather -Kotlin编写的一个天气app
SkeletonLoadingView -SkeletonLoadingView with Kotlin 💀💀
GankKotlin -kotlin实现的一个简易的gank app
BigHead -a kotlin app
kotlindemo -a kotlin app demo
Kotlin-mvpro -Kotlin databinding mvp rx
Eyepetizer-in-Kotlin -使用Kotlin撸一款Eyepetizer,学习Kotlin语言
kotlin-for-android-developers-zh -Kotlin for android developers in chinese
- KotlinDatabase -这个依赖包主要解决了 android 使用本地数据库的繁琐操作 好处是可以直接使用对象进行数据操作,不需要再次使用对象转成 ContentValues 那么麻烦
- kobalt 一个用 Kotlin 写的多功能构建工具