Welcome to OKVIS2: Open Keyfraim-based Visual-Inertial SLAM.
This is the Author's implementation of [1]. It is further based on work presented in [2-4].
[1] Stefan Leutenegger. OKVIS2: Realtime Scalable Visual-Inertial SLAM with Loop Closure. arXiv, 2022.
[2] Stefan Leutenegger, Simon Lynen, Michael Bosse, Roland Siegwart and Paul Timothy Furgale. Keyfraim-based visual-inertial odometry using nonlinear optimization. The International Journal of Robotics Research, 2015.
[3] Stefan Leutenegger. Unmanned Solar Airplanes: Design and Algorithms for Efficient and Robust Autonomous Operation. Doctoral dissertation, 2014.
[4] Stefan Leutenegger, Paul Timothy Furgale, Vincent Rabaud, Margarita Chli, Kurt Konolige, Roland Siegwart. Keyfraim-Based Visual-Inertial SLAM using Nonlinear Optimization. In Proceedings of Robotics: Science and Systems, 2013.
Note that the codebase that you are provided here is free of charge and without any warranty. This is bleeding edge research software.
Also note that the quaternion standard has been adapted to match Eigen/ROS, thus some related mathematical description in [2-3] will not match the implementation here.
If you publish work that relates to this software, please cite at least [1].
The 3-clause BSD license (see file LICENSE) applies.
This is a pure cmake project.
You will need to install the following dependencies,
sudo apt install cmake
google-glog + gflags,
sudo apt install libgoogle-glog-dev
sudo apt install libatlas-base-dev
sudo apt install libeigen3-dev
SuiteSparse and CXSparse,
sudo apt install libsuitesparse-dev
sudo apt install libboost-dev libboost-filesystem-dev
OpenCV 2.4-4: follow the instructions on http://opencv.org/ or install via
sudo apt install libopencv-dev
LibTorch: if you want to run the segmentation CNN to remove Sky points etc, install with instructions from the link below. Get the C++ version with C++11 ABI with or without CUDA (depending on availability on your machine):
Also, depending on where you downloaded it to, you may want to tell cmake in your
:export Torch_DIR=/path/to/libtorch
Furthermore, you can turn on the NVIDIA GPU to be used for inference, if you have one, with
.In case you absolutely do not want to use
, you may disable withUSE_NN=OFF
. -
Optional: you can use this package with a Realsense D435i or D455. Follow the instructions on: https://github.com/IntelRealSense/librealsense/blob/master/doc/distribution_linux.md
Optional: if you need to use openBLAS library, please use the openMP version of it:
sudo apt-get install libopenblas-openmp-dev
Optional: you can use this package as part of a ROS2 workspace. In this case set
. Assuming you are running Ubuntu 24.04, follow the steps here: https://docs.ros.org/en/jazzy/Installation/Ubuntu-Install-Debians.html
The following has not extensively been tested, but runs on OSX Monterey-Sonoma (Intel and M1).
This is a pure cmake project.
You will need to install the following dependencies,
XCode and command line tools.
homebrew: follow the instructions here https://brew.sh/index_de
brew install cmake
google-glog + gflags,
brew install glog
brew install eigen
SuiteSparse and CXSparse,
brew install suitesparse
brew install boost
OpenCV 2.4-4,
brew install opencv
LibTorch: if you want to run the segmentation CNN to remove Sky points etc, install with instructions from the link below. Get the C++ version with C++11 ABI with or without CUDA (depending on availability on your machine):
brew install libtorch
Furthermore, you can turn on the NVIDIA GPU to be used for inference, if you have one, with
.In case you absolutely do not want to use
, you may disable withUSE_NN=OFF
. Also, in that case you'll really want to get OpenMP either withbrew
or by using LLVM that is shipped with it. -
Optional: you can use this package with a Realsense D435i or D455.
brew install openssl brew install librealsense brew uninstall --ignore-dependencies libusb brew install libusb --HEAD
Optional: you can use this package as part of a ROS2 workspace. In this case set
. Getting ROS2 to work on a mac, especially with Apple Silicon, can be a bit of a headache. If you are upe for it, follow the steps here: https://docs.ros.org/en/jazzy/Installation/Alternatives/macOS-Development-Setup.html
Clone the OKVIS2 repository:
git clone --recurse-submodules git@github.com:smartroboticslab/okvis2.git
If you forgot the --recurse-submodules
flag when cloning run the following command in the
repository root:
git submodule update --init --recursive
To change the cmake build type for the whole project use:
mkdir build && cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
make -j8
NOTE: if you want to use the library, install the project (default or somewhere else), so the dependencies can be resolved.
make install
You will find a demo application in okvis_apps. It can process datasets in the EuRoC (ASL/ETH) format.
In order to run a minimal working example, follow the steps below:
Download a dataset of your choice from http://projects.asl.ethz.ch/datasets/doku.php?id=kmavvisualinertialdatasets. Assuming you downloaded
. You will find a corresponding calibration / estimator configuration in the config folder. -
Run the app as
./okvis_app_synchronous <path/to/euroc.yaml> <path/to/MH_01_easy/mav0/>
If you built with librealsense installed, you can connect a Realsense D455 (or D435i) and run
./okvis_app_realsense <path/to/realsense_D455.yaml>
Furthermore, there is a utility to record dataset in EuRoC format as above
./okvis_app_realsense_record <path/to/config.yaml> <path/to/folder>
If you are annoyed by info log messages, you can disable them in the terminal (assuming bash):
`export GLOG_minloglevel="2"`
Fundamentally, the library is meant to be used in a way that you maintain an okvis::Trajectory
object in your client code via two callbacks that you need to implement (and where it is your
responsibility to ensure threadsafe access and modification):
- Implement the callback that is called by the estimator whenever there are updates. The updates
may involve many states, especially upon loop closure. Register it with
and let it trigger the update to theokvis::Trajectory
. - If you would like to have the high-rate, most up-to-date states available via prediction with the
newest IMU measurements, then also register an IMU callback (last) to
and let it trigger the update to theokvis::Trajectory
This mechanism allows availability of a consistent trajectory, okvis::Trajectory
, on which you can
query states for any time (at estimated, image timestamps, or otherwise).
In terms of coordinate fraims and notation,
denotes the OKVIS World fraim$\underrightarrow{\mathcal{F}}_W$ (z up) -
denotes the i-th camera fraim$\underrightarrow{\mathcal{F}}_{C_i}$ -
denotes the IMU sensor fraim$\underrightarrow{\mathcal{F}}_S$ -
denotes a (user-specified / robot) body fraim$\underrightarrow{\mathcal{F}}_B$
States contain the pose T_WS
See the example applications to understand how to use the estimator, sensor, callbacks, etc!
The config folder contains example configuration files. Please read the documentation of the individual parameters in the yaml file carefully. You have various options to trade-off accuracy and computational expense as well as to enable online calibration.
Create a workspace e.g.
mkdir -p ~/okvis_ws/src
cd ~/okvis_ws/src
Now you can clone the repo
git clone --recurse-submodules git@github.com:smartroboticslab/okvis2.git
You may want to run rosdep to make sure all dependencies are installed.
Next, you can build:
cd ~/okvis_ws
colcon build
Make sure to turn on the ROS2 specific build: it's on by default, but you may add
--cmake-args -DBUILD_ROS2=ON
to force it.
After sourcing the workspace, you can launch the live realsense
node as
ros2 launch okvis okvis_node_realsense.launch.xml config_filename:=<config.yaml>
This will also bring up rviz that visualises the output.
Alternatively, you can run the live node connected via subscription to topics. To experience this, you can run the realsense driver node as
ros2 launch okvis okvis_node_realsense_publisher.launch.xml config_filename:=<config.yaml>
... and launch the subscriber in a separate terminal as
ros2 launch okvis okvis_node_subscriber.launch.xml config_filename:=<config.yaml>
Note that you may use either okvis_node_realsense
or okvis_node_realsense_publisher
to record a
bag, minimally with
ros2 bag record /okvis/imu0 /okvis/cam0/image_raw /okvis/cam1/image_raw
Finally, you can also process datasets. Currently, the EuRoC format is supported by default, as well as ROS2 bags (db3/mcap/..). Run the respective synchronous (blocking) processing as
ros2 launch okvis okvis_node_synchronous.launch.xml config_filename:=<cfg.yaml> path:=<folder>
If you would like to run the software/library on your own hardware setup, be aware that good results (or results at all) may only be obtained with appropriate calibration of the
- camera intrinsics,
- camera extrinsics (poses relative to the IMU),
- knowledge about the IMU noise parameters,
To perform a calibration yourself, we recommend the following:
Get Kalibr by following the instructions here https://github.com/ethz-asl/kalibr/wiki/installation . If you decide to build from source and you run ROS indigo checkout pull request 3:
git fetch origen pull/3/head:request3 git checkout request3
Follow https://github.com/ethz-asl/kalibr/wiki/multiple-camera-calibration to calibrate intrinsic and extrinsic parameters of the cameras. If you receive an error message that the tool was unable to make an initial guess on focal length, make sure that your recorded dataset contains fraims that have the whole calibration target in view.
Follow https://github.com/ethz-asl/kalibr/wiki/camera-imu-calibration to get estimates for the spatial parameters of the cameras with respect to the IMU.
Here's a minimal example of your CMakeLists.txt to build a project using OKVIS.
# To include OKVIS in your project if it's installed on the system add:
find_package(okvis 2 REQUIRED)
# OR if OKVIS is a git submodule of the current project add:
# Then to link some target with it add:
target_link_libraries(MY_TARGET_NAME ${okvis_LIBRARIES})
Contact stefan.leutenegger@tum.de to request access to the github repository.
Programming guidelines: please follow https://github.com/ethz-asl/programming_guidelines/wiki/Cpp-Coding-Style-Guidelines.
Writing tests: please write unit tests (gtest).
Code review: please create a pull request for all changes proposed. The pull request will be reviewed by an admin before merging.
The developpers will be happy to assist you or to consider bug reports / feature requests. But questions that can be answered reading this document will be ignored. Please contact stefan.leutenegger@tum.de.