Rust sdk for on-chain (cpi) and off-chain (client-side) usage of Tulip V2 vaults, as well as sparse support for Tulip V1 lending programs.
Within the v1
folder you will find a single tulipv1-sdk
crate, which provides selected functions, accounts, etc... of v1
Unaudited, possibly untested code developers take no responsibility for any (financial, physical, emotional, etc..) damage that results from usage of these libraries.
For now this wont compile, but should serve as a sufficient example to get start
use tulipv2_sdk_common;
use tulipv2_sdk_farm;
use solana_sdk::signature::Keypair;
fn main() {
let rpc = .. // create rpc client
let kp = Keypair::new();
let registration_trait = tulipv2_sdk_common::config::lending::usdc::multi_deposit::ProgramConfig::register_deposit_tracking_ix(kp.pubkey());
let registration_ix = registration_trait.instruction(tulipv2_sdk_farms::Farm::Lending{name: tulipv2_sdk_farms::lending::Lending::MULTI_DEPOSIT}).unwrap();
let hold_creation_ix = spl_associated_token_account::create_associated_token_account(
let mut tx = Transaction::new_with_payer(&[hold_creation_ix, registration_ix], Some(&kp.pubkey()));
tx.sign(&vec![&kp], rpc.get_latest_blockhash().unwrap();)
let sig = rpc.send_and_confirm_transaction(&x).unwrap();
println!("sent deposit tracking registration {}", sig);