Simple-config is an extensible, convention-based XML to C# binder, specifically designed to easily bind custom config sections without the need to write any config handlers or sections.
Simply by performing a cast to the required type, SimpleConfig will perform all required mapping, without the use for any magical markup.
##Simple use case
If we have some configurable settings
public class ServiceSettings
public int MaxThreads { get; set; }
public string Endpoint { get; set; }
public IEnumerable<string> BannedPhrases { get; set; }
we could write the xml for it in our app.config or web.config
<!-- Wire up the handler inside the <configSections /> element; once per custom section -->
<section name="serviceSettings" type="SimpleConfig.SimpleConfigHandler, SimpleConfig" />
<!-- And this goes in the main part of the config file -->
<serviceSettings maxThreads="4">
We could now write a disproportionately large ConfigurationSection, or a some boilerplate code, or we could just call this:
var settings = (ServiceSettings)(dynamic)ConfigurationManager.GetSection("serviceSettings");
or even
ServiceSettings settings = (dynamic)ConfigurationManager.GetSection("serviceSettings");
##Binding to interfaces As of version 1.2 (Nov 2014), it is possible to bind to a pure interface (a concrete class will be create for you). The binding copes with subinterfaces and multiple inheritence too; you just need to remember the following points:
* Your interface cannot define any methods
* Each property must define a getter (setters are optional)
* You must use implicit binding to invoke the mapper:
IServiceSettings settings = (dynamic)ConfigurationManager.GetSection("serviceSettings");
##Overriding the default conventions If you don't mind using attributes, Simple-config does come with some a small selection of binding hints to guide the binding process. For example, using the same xml as above, the following settings DTO could still be bound:
public class ServiceSettings
public int MaxThreads { get; set; }
public string Endpoint { get; set; }
[CustomEnumerable("bannedPhrases")] //magic
public IEnumerable<string> PhrasesThatAreBanned { get; set; }
##Enumerables and lists Simple-config is designed to be helpful when binding IEnumerables; please consider the following when binding:
- You destination needs to implement System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<> so that the payload type is known
- You can only bind to IEnumerable<> if the destination property has a setter (so SimpleConfig can create a mutatable Type)
- If your destination property has no setter, it needs to be pre-populated with something that implements ICollection<>
##Do anything
The architecture of Simple-config allows you to create new binding strategies to perform whatever custom binding you need, for example, to decrypt sensitive config
Simply create a binding stratgy that implements IBindingStrategy
// <summary>
// Details a specific strategy for populating an object based on the config
// </summary>
public interface IBindingStrategy
// <param name="destinationObject">The instance of the object ot be populated</param>
// <param name="destinationProperty">The property to be populated</param>
// <param name="element">The config element at the level we are mapping</param>
// <param name="allConfig">The entire config dom, as provided to the config handler</param>
// <param name="mapper">The current config mapper</param>
// <returns>Whether or not the binding was successful</returns>
bool Map(object destinationObject, PropertyInfo destinationProperty, XmlElement element, XmlElement allConfig, ConfigMapper mapper);
In order to hook up the binding strategy, create a new binding attribte that inherits BaseBindingAttribute
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Property, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = false)]
public abstract class BaseBindingAttribute : Attribute
public abstract IBindingStrategy MappingStrategy { get; }
Then attach the binding attribute to the property that requires custom binding.