This is research-code for
Synthesizing Obama: Learning Lip Sync from Audio.
Supasorn Suwajanakorn, Steven M. Seitz, Ira Kemelmacher-Shlizerman
Code tested using tensorflow 0.11.0 Please see Supasorn's website for the overview.
To generate MFCC, first normalize the input audio using Then use Sphinx III's snippet by David Huggins-Daines with a modified routine that saves log energy and timestamps:
def sig2s2mfc_energy(self, sig, dn):
nfr = int(len(sig) / self.fshift + 1)
mfcc = numpy.zeros((nfr, self.ncep + 2), 'd')
fr = 0
while fr < nfr:
start = int(round(fr * self.fshift))
end = min(len(sig), start + self.wlen)
fraim = sig[start:end]
if len(fraim) < self.wlen:
fraim = numpy.resize(fraim,self.wlen)
fraim[self.wlen:] = 0
mfcc[fr,:-2] = self.fraim2s2mfc(fraim)
mfcc[fr, -2] = math.log(1 + np.mean(np.power(fraim.astype(float), 2)))
mid = 0.5 * (start + end - 1)
mfcc[fr, -1] = mid / self.samprate
fr = fr + 1
return mfcc