Decently fat guy. Wears glasses. Has a beard. Bear hug expert. thinks he's amusing. Enjoys talking about himself as a third individual. Furthermore loves food significantly more than he should.
Hello, I’m Surya Mouly. Though I’m primarily a Software Developer, I do appreciate exploring different verticals of Domains from time to time. Most of my learning comes from the internet and collaboration with other individuals.
I love being in touch with thinkers and masterminds. It leads to fruitful discussions that are helpful to me certainly, and sometimes others as well. As a Developer, I consider it's essential to be aware of various perspectives. And collecting perspectives can be difficult to do alone. From time to time, I love bouncing ideas with such people and get their thoughts on it.
Drop in a "Hi" and how about we talk design, products and tech!
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on Android & Flutter Open Source Contribution
⚒️ Trying out the Flutter
⚛️ Looking for tutorial of Atomic Design Pattern
📫 How to reach me: LinkedIn - suryamouly
😄 Pronouns: He/His/Him