- Both example: http://tolgaergin.com/files/social/index.html
- For sharing example: http://tolgaergin.com/files/social/social-share.html
- For listing social profiles: http://tolgaergin.com/files/social/social-profiles.html
<link rel="stylesheet" href="http://clevelandohioweatherforecast.com//pFad.php?u=http://github.com/assets/stylesheets/arthref.min.css">
If you use the plugin in order to link to your profiles, you need to load jQuery first then arthrefSocialProfiles.js
<script src="/assets/javascripts/socialProfiles.min.js"></script>
Then initialize the variables
email: 'example@example.com',
facebook: 'tolgaergin',
twitter: 'tolgaergin',
pinterest: 'tolga',
dribbble: 'bbb',
skype: 'tolgaergin.com',
linkedin: 'tr.linkedin.com/in/tolgaergin'
(When listing your social accounts, for some websites such as LinkedIn, Evernote, Paypal, Windows, Flud, AIM, Yahoo you need to write url address without "http://" or "https://" Because, these websites doesnt have regular url.)
If you use the plugin in order to share pages, you need to load jQuery first then arthrefSocialShare.js
<script src="/assets/javascripts/socialShare.min.js"></script>
Then initialize the variables
social: 'blogger,delicious,digg,facebook,google,linkedin,myspace,reddit,stumbleupon,tumblr,twitter,windows,yahoo'
Tolga Ergin
Gökhun Güneyhan