Tags: tone81/chef
set version to 11.5.0.alpha.0 for release pipeline testing a "real" version number is required for a build to go through the pipeline to full release. This release is marked with both development (odd version number) and prerelease (alpha) indicators in the version number, so it should not be mistaken for a production release.
Release 10.26.0 * CHEF-1707: Password support for User resources on Solaris * CHEF-2467: apply role attributes to node in shef * CHEF-2840: Include certificates in Omnibus builds * CHEF-3452: fix bug triggered when uploading frozen cookbook * CHEF-3784: fix deprecation warning triggered by run_list override * CHEF-3898: restrict webui haml dependency to working version * CHEF-4123: fix ruby 1.8 support in LWRP creation * CHEF-3880: Add Google Compute Engine platform support