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2-way/outside SQL build-time data accessor generator library.


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Smart.Data.Accessor .NET - data accessor generator library for .NET


What is this?

  • Build-time data accessor generator library.
  • 2-way SQL supported.

Getting Started(.NET Core Console Application)

Install Usa.Smart.Data.Accessor.

Create data accessor interface and model class like this.

public sealed class DataEntity
    public long Id { get; set; }

    public string Name { get; set; }

    public string Type { get; set; }
using System.Collections.Generic;

using Smart.Data.Accessor.Attributes;

public interface IExampleAccessor
    void Create();

    void Insert(DataEntity entity);

    List<DataEntity> QueryDataList(string type = null);

Create an SQL file with the naming convention of interface name + method name.

Methods with [Insert] attribute automatically generate SQL, so no file is required.

By default, SQL files are placed in the 'Sql' subfolder of the interface file.

  • IExampleAccessor.Create.sql
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Data (Id int PRIMARY KEY, Name text, Type text)
  • IExampleAccessor.QueryDataList.sql
/*% if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(type)) { */
WHERE Type = /*@ type */'A'
/*% } */

Use as follows.

using System;
using System.IO;

using Microsoft.Data.Sqlite;

using Smart.Data;
using Smart.Data.Accessor;
using Smart.Data.Accessor.Engine;

public static class Program
    public static void Main()
        // Initialize
        var engine = new ExecuteEngineConfig()
            .ConfigureComponents(static c =>
                c.Add<IDbProvider>(new DelegateDbProvider(() => new SqliteConnection("Data Source=test.db")));
        var factory = new DataAccessorFactory(engine);

        // Create data accessor
        var dao = factory.Create<IExampleAccessor>();

        // Create

        // Insert
        dao.Insert(new DataEntity { Id = 1L, Name = "Data-1", Type = "A" });
        dao.Insert(new DataEntity { Id = 2L, Name = "Data-2", Type = "B" });
        dao.Insert(new DataEntity { Id = 3L, Name = "Data-3", Type = "A" });

        // Query
        var typeA = dao.QueryDataList("A");
        Console.WriteLine(typeA.Count); // 2

        var all = dao.QueryDataList();
        Console.WriteLine(all.Count); // 3

2-way SQL

Type Example
@ parameter /*@ id */
# raw parameter /*# order #/
% code block /*% if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) { */
! pragma /*!using System.Text */


SELECT * FROM Data WHERE Id = /*@ id */1

Raw parameter

SELECT * FROM Data ORDER BY /*# order */Name

Code block

/*% if (IsNotNull(id)) { */
WHERE Id >= /*@ id */0
/*% } */


  • Using
/*!using System.Text */
  • Using static
public static class CustomScriptHelper
    public static bool HasValue(int? value)
        return value.HasValue;
/*!helper MyLibrary.CustomScriptHelper */
/*% if (HasValue(id)) { */
WHERE Id >= /*@ id */0
*% } *

Built-in helper

public static class ScriptHelper
    public static bool IsNull(object value);

    public static bool IsNotNull(object value);

    public static bool IsEmpty(string value);

    public static bool IsNotEmpty(string value);

    public static bool Any(Array array);

    public static bool Any(ICollection ic);

Supported result type

Supported result type and result mapper factory implmentation.

Result mapper factory Target type
Smart.Data.Accessor.Mappers.SingleResultMapperFactory string, int, ...
Smart.Data.Accessor.Mappers.TupleResultMapperFactory Tuple, ValueTuple, ...
Smart.Data.Accessor.Mappers.ObjectResultMapperFactory Any class


Map single column to type.

public interface ISingleAccessor
    // SELECT Name FROM Data
    IList<string> QueryStringList();


Map columns to tuple members. Tuple member constructor arguments and properties are supported as destinations. If the map destination cannot be found, the target moves to the next member of the tuple.

public interface ITupleAccessor
    // SELECT T0.Date, T0.Amount, T1.Name, T1.Price FROM Transaction T0 INNER JOIN Master T1 ON T0.MasterId = T1.Id
    IList<ValueTuple<TransactionEntity, MasterEntity>> QueryTupleList();


Map columns to class. Constructor arguments and properties are supported as destinations.

public interface ITupleAccessor
    // SELECT * FROM ...
    IList<DataEntity>> QueryDataList();


Data accessor attribute

  • DataAccessorAttribute
// Data accessor interface marker
public interface IExampleAccessor

Method attributes

  • ExecuteAttribute
public interface IExecuteAccessor
    // Call ExecuteNonQuery()
    int Update(long id, string name);

    ValueTask<int> UpdateAsync(long id, string name);
  • ExecuteScalarAttribute
public interface IExecuteScalarAccessor
    // Call ExecuteScalar()
    long Count();

    ValueTask<long> CountAsync();
  • ExecuteReaderAttribute
public interface IExecuteReaderAccessor
    // Call ExecuteReader()
    IDataReader Enumerate();

    ValueTask<IDataReader> EnumerateAsync();
  • QueryFirstOrDefaultAttribute
public interface IQueryFirstOrDefaultAccessor
    // Call ExecuteReader() and map single object or default
    DataEntity QueryData(long id);

    ValueTask<DataEntity> QueryDataAsync(long id);
  • QueryAttribute
public interface IQueryAccessor
    // Call ExecuteReader() and map object list bufferd
    IList<DataEntity> QueryBufferd();

    // Call ExecuteReader() and map object enumerable non-bufferd
    IEnumerable<DataEntity> QueryNonBufferd();

    ValueTask<IList<DataEntity>> QueryBufferdAsync();

    IAsyncEnumerable<DataEntity> QueryNonBufferdAsync();

Mapping attributes

  • IgnoreAttribute
public sealed class DataEntity
    // Ignore mapping
    public int IgnoreMember { get; set; }
  • NameAttribute
public sealed class UserEntity
    // Map from USER_NAME column
    public string UserName { get; set; }
  • DirectionAttribute
public sealed class Parameter
    // ParameterDirection.Input is used
    public int InputParameter { get; set; }

    // ParameterDirection.InputOutput is used
    public int InputOutputParameter { get; set; }

    // ParameterDirection.Output is used
    public int OutputParameter { get; set; }

    // ParameterDirection.ReturnValue is used
    public int ReturnValue { get; set; }

Parameter builder attributes

  • AnsiStringAttribute
public interface IAnsiStringAccessor
    // DbType.AnsiStringFixedLength is set
    DataEntity QueryEntity([AnsiString(3)] string id);
  • DbTypeAttribute
public sealed class Parameter
    // DbType.AnsiStringFixedLength is set
    [DbType(DbType.AnsiStringFixedLength, 3)]
    public string Id { get; set; }
public interface IDbTypeAccessor
    DataEntity QueryEntity(Parameter parameter);

Result parser attribute

  • ResultParserAttribute
public sealed class CustomParserAttribute : ResultParserAttribute
    public override Func<object, object> CreateParser(IServiceProvider serviceProvider, Type type)
        return x => Convert.ChangeType(x, type, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
public sealed class ParserEntity
    // DB value parsed by CustomParserAttribute
    public long Value { get; set; }

Injection attribute

public sealed class Counter
    private long counter;

    public long Next() => ++counter;
[Inject(typeof(Counter), "counter")]
public interface IInjectAccessor
INSERT INTO Data (Value) VALUES (/*@ counter.Next() */)

Connection selector attribute

  • ProviderAttribute
// IDbProvider named 'Primary' selected by IDbProviderSelector
public interface IPrimaryAccessor
// IDbProvider named 'Secondary' selected by IDbProviderSelector
public interface ISecondaryAccessor

Option attribute

  • TimeoutAttribute
public interface ITimeoutAccessor
    // timeout is used for IDbCommand.CommandTimeout
    int Execute([Timeout] int timeout);
  • CommandTimeoutAttribute
public interface ICommandTimeoutAccessor
    // IDbCommand.CommandTimeout = 300000;
    int Execute();

SQL builder method attributes

Attributes that automatically generate SQL.

It is extensible and can implement its own attributes.

Builder attribute

  • InsertAttribute
public interface IInsertAccessor
    // DataEntity property is used
    int Insert(DataEntity entity);

    // Method arguments is used
    int Insert(long id, string name);
  • UpdateAttribute
public sealed class UpdateValues
    public long Id { get; set; }

    public string Name { get; set; }
public sealed class UpdateValues
    public string Type { get; set; }

    public string Name { get; set; }
public interface IUpdateAccessor
    // By entity key memember
    int Update(DataEntity entity);

    // UPDATE Type and Name by id
    int Update([Values] UpdateValues values, long id);
  • DeleteAttribute
public interface IDeleteAccessor
    // Id = /*@ id */
    int Delete(long id);

    // By entity key memember
    int Delete(DataEntity entity);

    // Force option is required to delete all
    [Delete(typeof(DataEntity), Force = true)]
    int DeleteAll();

    // Key1 = @key1 AND Key2 >= @key2
    int Delete(long key1, [Condition(Operand.GreaterEqualThan)] long key2);
  • SelectAttribute
public interface ISelectAccessor
    // Conditoon

    // Key1 = @key1 AND Key2 >= @key2
    List<DataEntity> SelectListByCondition(long key1, [Condition(Operand.GreaterEqualThan)] long key2);

    // Order

    // Key order is default
    List<DataEntity> SelectListKeyOrder();

    // Attribute property based order
    [Select(Order = "Name DESC")]
    List<DataEntity> SelectListCustomOrder();

    // ORDER BY /*# order */
    List<DataEntity> SelectParameterOrder([Order] string order);

    //  map to other entity

    // SQL is generated based on DataEntity and map to OtherEntity
    List<OtherEntity> SelectListByType();

    // SQL is generated with table name 'Data' and map to OtherEntity
    List<OtherEntity> SelectListByName();
  • SelectSingleAttribute
public interface ISelectAccessor
    // Id = /*@ id */
    DataEntity SelectSingle(long id);

    // By entity key memember
    DataEntity SelectSingle(DataEntity entity);
  • CountAttribute
public interface ICountAccessor
    // Count all
    long CountAll();

    // Count where Value >= /*@ value */
    long CountAll([Condition(Operand.GreaterEqualThan)] long value);
  • ProcedureAttribute
    @param1 INT,
    @param2 INT OUTPUT,
    @param3 INT OUTPUT
    SELECT @param2 = @param2 + 1
    SELECT @param3 = @param1 + 1
    RETURN 100
public sealed class Parameter
    public int Parameter1 { get; set; }

    public int Parameter2 { get; set; }

    public int Parameter3 { get; set; }

    public int ReturnValue { get; set; }
public interface IProcedureAccessor
    // Argument version
    int Execute(int param1, ref int param2, out int param3);

    // Parameter class version
    void Execute(Parameter parameter);
var param2 = 2;
var ret = dao.Execute(1, ref param2, out var param3);
// param2 = 3, param3 = 2, ret = 100
var parameter = new Parameter { Parameter1 = 1, Parameter2 = 2 };
// Parameter2 = 3, Parameter3 = 2, ReturnValue = 100

Condition attribute

// Generate condition

// Kye >= /*@ key */
int Delete([Condition(Operand.GreaterEqualThan)] long key);

// /*% if (IsNotNull(type)) { %//*@ type *//*% } */
List<DataEntity> Select([Condition(ExcludeNull = true)] string type);

// /*% if (IsNotEmpty(type)) { %//*@ type *//*% } */
List<DataEntity> Select([Condition(ExcludeEmpty = true)] string typel);

Value attribute

  • DbValueAttribute
public sealed class DbValueEntity
    public long Id { get; set; }

    // DB value CURRENT_TIMESTAMP is used
    public string DateTime { get; set; }
  • CodeValueAttribute
public sealed class DataEntity
    public string Key { get; set; }

    // Code counter.Next() is used
    public long Value { get; set; }
[Inject(typeof(Counter), "counter")]
public interface ICodeValueAccessor
    void Insert(DataEntity entity);

Option builders

Support database specific UPSERT, SELECT FOR UPDATE, etc.

Package Database
NuGet SQL Server
NuGet PostgreSQL

Special arguments


public interface IDbConnectionAccessor
    // DbConnection con is used insted of default IDbProvider connection
    int Execute(DbConnection con);


public interface ITransactionAccessor
    // DbTransaction tx is used as transaction and connection
    int Execute(DbTransaction tx, long id, string name);
using (var tx = con.BeginTransaction())
    var effect = accessor.Execute(tx, 1L, "xxx");



public interface IExecuteCancelAsyncAccessor
    // Cancelable async method
    ValueTask<int> ExecuteAsync(CancellationToken cancel);


ExecuteEngineConfig configuration.


// Default IDbProvider configuration
var engine = new ExecuteEngineConfig()
    .ConfigureComponents(static c => c.Add<IDbProvider>(new DelegateDbProvider(() => new SqlConnection(ConnectionString))))
// Use multiple provider
config.ConfigureComponents(static c =>
    var selector = new NamedDbProviderSelector();
    selector.AddProvider("Main", new DelegateDbProvider(() => new SqlConnection(MainConnectionString)));
    selector.AddProvider("Sub", new DelegateDbProvider(() => new SqlConnection(SubConnectionString)));

Type map

// Use DbType.AnsiString for string
config.ConfigureTypeMap(map => map[typeof(string)] = DbType.AnsiString);

Type handler

public sealed class DateTimeTickTypeHandler : ITypeHandler
    public void SetValue(DbParameter parameter, object value)
        parameter.DbType = DbType.Int64;
        parameter.Value = ((DateTime)value).Ticks;

    public Func<object, object> CreateParse(Type type)
        return x => new DateTime((long)x);
// In database, store DateTime using bigint
config.ConfigureTypeHandlers(handlers => handlers[typeof(DateTime)] = new DateTimeTickTypeHandler());

Result mapper factory

// Implement custom result mapper factory
public interface IResultMapperFactory
    bool IsMatch(Type type);

    ResultMapper<T> CreateMapper<T>(IResultMapperCreateContext context, Type type, ColumnInfo[] columns);
// Use custom result mapper factory
config.ConfigureResultMapperFactories(mappers => mappers.Add(new CustomResultMapperFactory));

ASP.NET Core integration

services.AddSingleton<IDbProvider>(new DelegateDbProvider(() => new SqliteConnection("Data Source=test.db")));

services.AddDataAccessor(config =>
private readonly ISampleAccessor sampleAccessor;

public HomeController(ISampleAccessor sampleAccessor)
    this.sampleAccessor = sampleAccessor;

Code generation

Config attributes

  • EntitySuffixAttribute

Class suffix to convert table name. Default suffis is Entity and Model.

  • NamingAttribute

Naming rule to convert column name.


Generated source

Generated source is created at $(ProjectDir)$(IntermediateOutputPath)SmartDataAccessor.

Benchmark (for reference purpose only)

BenchmarkDotNet=v0.13.1, OS=Windows 10.0.22621
AMD Ryzen 9 5900X, 1 CPU, 24 logical and 12 physical cores
.NET SDK=7.0.100
  [Host]    : .NET 7.0.0 (, X64 RyuJIT
  MediumRun : .NET 7.0.0 (, X64 RyuJIT

Job=MediumRun  IterationCount=15  LaunchCount=2  
Method Mean Error StdDev Min Max P90 Gen 0 Gen 1 Allocated
DapperExecute 182.55 ns 2.567 ns 3.843 ns 177.16 ns 189.54 ns 187.94 ns 0.0272 - 456 B
SmartExecute 79.19 ns 0.407 ns 0.610 ns 78.00 ns 80.43 ns 79.78 ns 0.0219 - 368 B
DapperExecuteScalar 59.11 ns 0.253 ns 0.363 ns 58.59 ns 60.02 ns 59.59 ns 0.0086 - 144 B
SmartExecuteScalar 43.55 ns 0.198 ns 0.291 ns 42.78 ns 44.11 ns 43.92 ns 0.0086 - 144 B
DapperQueryBufferd100 2,467.93 ns 12.487 ns 18.690 ns 2,429.29 ns 2,505.93 ns 2,495.21 ns 0.3471 0.0038 5,832 B
SmartQueryBufferd100 1,656.82 ns 6.230 ns 8.733 ns 1,642.46 ns 1,680.08 ns 1,666.48 ns 0.3300 0.0057 5,536 B
SmartQueryBufferd100Optimized 1,646.78 ns 7.451 ns 10.445 ns 1,620.13 ns 1,672.51 ns 1,657.38 ns 0.3300 0.0057 5,536 B
DapperQueryFirstOrDefault 219.29 ns 1.832 ns 2.686 ns 214.77 ns 223.51 ns 222.33 ns 0.0253 - 424 B
SmartQueryFirstOrDefault 115.53 ns 1.979 ns 2.774 ns 112.03 ns 120.31 ns 118.94 ns 0.0186 - 312 B
SmartQueryFirstOrDefaultOptimized 83.91 ns 0.813 ns 1.217 ns 82.00 ns 86.71 ns 85.52 ns 0.0186 - 312 B
DapperWithCondition 224.01 ns 0.761 ns 1.115 ns 221.79 ns 225.92 ns 225.49 ns 0.0491 - 824 B
SmartWithCondition 83.14 ns 0.977 ns 1.462 ns 80.77 ns 85.65 ns 85.12 ns 0.0219 - 368 B

Example Project


  • Code generator version (1.3+).


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