Using packer.nvim
use {
config = function()
require'notifier'.setup {
-- You configuration here
The default configuration is:
ignore_messages = {}, -- Ignore message from LSP servers with this name
status_width = something, -- COmputed using 'columns' and 'textwidth'
components = { -- Order of the components to draw from top to bottom (first nvim notifications, then lsp)
"nvim", -- Nvim notifications (vim.notify and such)
"lsp" -- LSP status updates
notify = {
clear_time = 1000, -- Time in milisecond before removing a vim.notifiy notification, 0 to make them sticky
min_level = vim.log.level.INFO, -- Minimum log level to print the notification
component_name_recall = false -- Whether to prefix the title of the notification by the component name
This plugin provides some commands:
:NotifierClear " Clear the vim.notify items
:NotifierReplay " Replay all vim.notify items
This plugin defines multiple highlight groups that you can configure:
: the title of the notification (lsp:..
: the content of the notificationNotifierContentDim
: dimmed content of the notification
Heavily inspired by fidget.nvim
- Handle LSP progress
- Hook into
and friends- Allow to customize log levels
- When out, hook into
to route more messages from nvim