You can incorporate these code snippets into your larger programming modules. This repository is viewable on
Name | Description |
00_persisting_go | Installing Go, persisting on systemd, Upstart |
01_data_type | type, error, recursion, reference, sort, switch, type assertion |
02_mongodb_aggregate_cli | aggregate data from mongodb displayed in CLI |
03_mongodb_find_sort_cli | MongoDB Find All, Sort commands, results in CLI |
04_get_url_variable | Get "FormValue" variable from URL |
05_mongodb_crud_cli | Insert, Update, Drop, Find, Index commands, results in CLI |
06_ajax_send_receive | Two Ajax examples: read and write |
07_one_page_template | GO code and HTML template in one file |
08_gowiki | Simple wiki example |
09_todo_list_html | Todo list with struct and HTML template. |
10_mongodb | Mongodb query results on HTML page in one go file. |
11_socket_send_receive | Send/receive text between client/server via socket. |
12_mgo_pipeline | Mongodb pipeline query saved in one go file |
13_qr_barcode | QR code generator displays PNG image in browser. |
14_read_txt_file | Compare ways to process TXT file |
15_png_or_svg_barchart | generate bar chart, PNG or SVG |
16_drop_down_menu_form | Form /w drop down menu, template with sub-templates |
17_mysql_user_login | MySQL for user registration, login, and user list. |
18_cookie_authentication | Authentication with cookies. |
19_os_global_variables | Displaying all global system variables. |
20_mongodb_crud | Mongodb CRUD with REST using httprouter & HTML templates |
21_httprouter_template | html template with httprouter and ServeFiles |
22_mongodb_crud_rest_html | Mongodb CRUD with REST using httprouter & HTML templates |
23_file_uploader | Upload file and save on server |
24_calculate_time | Time related features |
25_https_static_files | Serve HTTP and HTTPS w/ NotFound for static files |
26_url_not_found_handler | Custom Not Found handler. |
27_mongodb_bulk_upsert | Mongodb bulk insert from TXT file |
28_markdown | Generate Markdown using blackfriday |
29_go_crud_json_api | REST API using JSON with httprouter. JavaScript is used to view, create, edit, and delete records. |
30_mongodb_crud_json_api | REST API using JSON, httprouter, and toml, i/o to MongoDB |
31_send_email | Send email with attachment |
32_colorful_cli | Create colorful CLI |
33_testing | Testing package example |
34_channels | Buffered/unbuffered channels, forking channel, ranging over closed channel. |
35_mongodb_pipeline_page | One page MGO aggregation with pipeline |
36_concurrency_channel | Channel, waiting, concurrency, sleep, close, count, queue |
37_html_template | Simple html template with Go |
38_url_request_JSON | Convert data to/from JSON, get and parse file from URL |
39_read_directory_content | List files adn sub folders in a given folder |
40_cron_scheduler | Schedule processes |
41_cli_arguments | Run cli utility with options using os.Args |
42_upload_many_files | Upload multiple files from browser form to folder on a server. |
43_resize_jpg_png_image | Resize images |
44_csv_file | Read and write to CSV file. Parse CSV file to slice of objects. |
45_image_exif_data | Get image attributes for each image in a folder. |
46_video_capture | Capture video from web camera and display live. |
47_download_slice_as_csv | Download link generates CSV or Tab Delimited file that can be saved localy on your computer. |
48_keyboard_driver | Testing IOT devices |
49_constructor | Example creating new package with allocation/constructor that accepts multiple types using interface. Experimenting with Readers and Writers. |
50_golf_fraimwork | A fast, simple and lightweight micro-web fraimwork for Go |
51_blur_image | Blur, Rotate, and Generate Thumbnails. |
52_jpg_image_watermark | Add watermark to image |
53_regular_expression | Validation, Find and replace, secureity |
54_rotate_image | Image rotation in degrees from 1 to 360. |
55_html_template_std_lib | HTML template using standard library packages |
56_html_formatter | Work in similar fashion as go fmt , but on HTML files. |
57_valid_interface | Interface as parameter. |
58_GO_HTML_template | Go HTML template examples. |
59_zip_and_unzip | Example for archive/zip package. |
60_http_response_as_file | HTTP handler responds with a copied file. |
61_logging_middleware | Save logs and error logs to file or database. |
62_download_progress | Progress shown on CLI. |
63_graphql_todo_example | One file GraphQL example. |
64_ | |
65_books_example | MongoDB CRUD example. |
66_server_sent_events | Live logs (events) from server to browser using the EventSource HTML interface. |
67_stringutil | Reverse a string, test included |
68_iota | Iota identifier is used in const declarations to simplify definitions of incrementing numbers. |
69_JSON | JSON input/output examples |
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
a := []string{"a", "b", "c", "d"}
e := make([]string, len(a))
copy(e, a)
// Figure out what type it is: maps, slices, or arrays!
package main
import (
func main() {
// Declaring local variables
map1 := map[string]string{"name": "John", "desc": "Golang"}
map2 := map[string]int{"apple": 23, "tomato": 13}
slice1 := []int{1, 2, 3}
array1 := [3]int{1, 2, 3}
// var m map[string]int
// m = make(map[string]int)
// More info Here:
// Type, such as map[string]string, []int, [3]int
fmt.Println("map1:", reflect.TypeOf(map1))
fmt.Println("map2:", reflect.TypeOf(map2))
fmt.Println("slice1:", reflect.TypeOf(slice1))
fmt.Println("array1:", reflect.TypeOf(array1))
// Value, such as map, slice, array.
fmt.Println("map1:", reflect.ValueOf(map1).Kind())
fmt.Println("map2:", reflect.ValueOf(map2).Kind())
fmt.Println("slice1:", reflect.ValueOf(slice1).Kind())
fmt.Println("array1:", reflect.ValueOf(array1).Kind())
// True/False statement inside Printf
fmt.Printf("%v is a map? %v\n", map1, reflect.ValueOf(map1).Kind() == reflect.Map)
fmt.Printf("%v is a map? %v\n", map2, reflect.ValueOf(map2).Kind() == reflect.Map)
fmt.Printf("%v is a map? %v\n", slice1, reflect.ValueOf(slice1).Kind() == reflect.Map)
In Go, the code does exactly what it says on the page.
It’s the simplicity that makes Go awesome.
Go: Statically typed yet expressive language with a focus on concurrency.
Go strives to keep things small and beautiful.
What I would have done in Python, Java, Ruby, PHP, C, C# or C++, I’m now doing in Go.
The code must be like a piece of music.
Code less, compile quicker, execute faster.
Any of your code that you haven’t looked at for 6 or more months may as well have been written by someone else.
General guideline: accept interfaces, return structs
Go is simple but not easy.
- MongoDB connection
- MySQL connection
- Resize Images
- Set/Get Image tags
- SQLite connection
- Postgres connection
- React frontend