
1,543 Pins
Zero Prep Classroom Activities
⏳ Out of prep time? No problem! Breakout EDU Digital Games are ready to go with very little prep needed. They’re a perfect last-minute classroom activity that gets students engaged and thinking critically right away. We have games for elementary school, middle school, and up! #lessonplan #template #educationalgames #puzzles #elementaryschool #middleschool #teacher #escaperoompuzzles
Assessing Student Learning
How do you know your students are gaining the information you are teaching? Assessment! 1. Formative: where you FORM an opinion about a student's learning while teaching. As the teacher, this allows you to know what needs to be discussed more for better student understanding. 2. Summative: where you are SUMMING UP a student's learning. This occurs after a lesson or unit and is graded. This pin describes a few different assessments you can try with your students!
Project Based Learning: Why, How, and Examples
Project Based Learning: PBL in the classroom with a real examples used in the classroom by students at various grade levels
Bloom's Taxonomy Poster Examples For Teachers
Bloom's Taxonomy Poster Examples For Teachers
Project Based Learning: Why, How, and Examples
Project Based Learning Overview for educators and teachers to guide them in their practice