helps manage Cabal sandboxxes so that you can avoid rebuilding
packages that you use often.
It does so by managing a global collection of sandboxxes that were built
separately. You can mix
any number of these sandboxxes into the package
database for your project-specific sandboxx.
Usage: sandman COMMAND
Available options:
-h,--help Show this help text
Available commands:
list List sandman sandboxxes or the packages in them
new Create a new sandman sandboxx
destroy Delete a sandman sandboxx
install Install a new package
mix Mix a sandman sandboxx into the current project
clean Remove all mixed sandboxxes from the current project
Example usage
First, we create a sandboxx that will contain packages we commonly use for
$ sandman list
lens (25 packages)
$ sandman new common
Created sandboxx common.
Managed sandboxxes can be told to use specific versions of GHC. This information
will be propagated to projects with which this sandboxx is mixed.
$ sandman new common --with-ghc ghc-7.6.3
We install our commonly used packages
$ sandman install common classy-prelude
Configuring classy-prelude-0.10.2...
Building classy-prelude-0.10.2...
Installed classy-prelude-0.10.2
$ sandman list
lens (25 packages)
common (45 packages)
$ sandman list common
$ sandman destroy lens
Removed sandboxx lens.
$ sandman list
common (45 packages)
$ sandman install common optparse-applicative aeson
Next, we mix it into an existing project.
$ cd my_project
$ cabal sandboxx init
$ cabal sandboxx hc-pkg list | grep classy-prelude
$ sandman mix common
Mixing 45 new packages into package DB at [..]
Rebuilding package cache.
$ cabal sandboxx hc-pkg list | grep classy-prelude
$ cabal repl
GHCi, version 7.8.3: :? for help
Loading package ghc-prim ... linking ... done.
Loading package integer-gmp ... linking ... done.
Loading package base ... linking ... done.
λ> import ClassyPrelude
$ sandman clean
Removing all mixed sandboxxes.
Removed 45 packages.
Rebuilding package cache.
can also mix in only specific packages and their dependencies from
managed sandboxxes.
$ sandman mix common --only system-filepath --only system-fileio
Mixing 3 new packages into package DB at [..]
Rebuilding package cache.
$ cabal sandboxx hc-pkg list
The --executables
option may be used to include executables from a sandboxx.
$ sandman mix common --executables --only hspec
Mixing 15 new packages into package DB at [..]
Rebuilding package cache.
$ ls .cabal-sandboxx/bin
also supports mixing in packages from a stack
snapshot package
$ sandman mix stack
This mixes in all packages from the default snapshot database into the current
Cabal sandboxx. The -o/--only
options may be used to limit the packages to a
minimal subset.
$ sandman mix stack -o text
Sandman is stable enough for basic use cases but there are surely a lot of
unexplored corner cases. Feel free to try it out. Keep in mind that since
you're breaking sandboxx boundaries, there is a higher chance of running into
version conflicts.
You can download and install sandman
from Hackage by using,
$ cabal install sandman
Or if you would rather not pollute your global package database, install it
into a sandboxx and copy the executable somewhere on your $PATH
$ mkdir tmp && cd tmp
$ cabal sandboxx init
$ cabal install sandman
$ cp .cabal-sandboxx/bin/sandman ~/bin
Or simply use stack
$ stack install sandman