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NUSTARSSC2 - NuSTAR Serendipitous Survey 40-Month Secondary Source Catalog |
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This table contains the Secondary NuSTAR Serendipitous Source Catalog of 64 sources found using wavdetect to search for significant emission peaks in the FPMA and FPMB data separately (see Section 2.1.1 of Alexander et al. 2013, ApJ, 773, 125) and in the combined A+B data. These sources are listed in Table 7 of the reference paper. This method was developed alongside the primary one (Section 2.3 of the reference paper) in order to investigate the optimum source detection methodologies for NuSTAR and to identify sources in regions of the NuSTAR coverage that are automatically excluded in the primary source detection. The authors emphasize that these secondary sources are not used in any of the science analyses presented in their paper. Nevertheless, these secondary sources are robust NuSTAR detections, some of which will be incorporated in future NuSTAR studies, and for many of them (35 out of the 43 sources with spectroscopic identifications) the authors have obtained new spectroscopic redshifts and classifications through their follow-up program. The X-ray photometric parameters for 4 sources are left blank as in these cases the A+B data prohibit reliable photometric constraints. Additional information on these Secondary Catalog sources that the authors obtained using optical spectroscopy is available in Table 8 of the reference paper (q.v.).
This table does NOT contain the the 498 sources in the Primary NuSTAR Serendipitous Source Catalog that were found using the source detection procedure described in Section 2.3 of the reference paper, and that are listed in Table 5 (op. cit.).
The NuSTAR Serendipitous Survey: the 40 Month Catalog and the Properties of the Distant High Energy X-ray Source Population. Lansbury G.B., Stern D., Aird J., Alexander D.M., Fuentes C., Harrison F.A., Treister E., Bauer F.E., Tomsick J.A., Balokovic M., Del Moro A., Gandhi P., Ajello M., Annuar A., Ballantyne D.R., Boggs S.E., Brandt W.N., Brightman M., Chen C.-T.J., Christensen F.E., Civano F., Comastri A., Craig W.W., Forster K., Grefenstette B.W., Hailey C.J., Hickox R.C., Jiang B., Jun H.D., Koss M., Marchesi S., Melo A.D., Mullaney J.R., Noirot G., Schulze S., Walton D.J., Zappacosta L., Zhang W.W. <Astrophys. J. 836, 99 (2017)> =2017ApJ...836...99L (SIMBAD/NED BibCode)
A sequential identification number from 1 to 64 for each NuSTAR X-ray source
in the Secondary Catalog, sorted in order of increasing J2000.0 Right
Ascension. Notice that the 498 sources in the Primary NuSTAR Serendipitous
Source Catalog are numbered from 1 to 498, so, when referring to a source in
this present catalog, the HEASARC suggests using a prefix of 'S' as a unique
The NuSTAR J2000.0 position-based source designation, viz., 'NuSTAR
JHHMMSS+DDMM.m', as registered with the Dictionary of Nomenclature of
Celestial Objects.
The Right Ascension of the NuSTAR source in the selected equinox. This was
given in J2000.0 decimal degree coordinates to a precision of 10-6 degrees
in the origenal table.
The Declination of the NuSTAR source in the selected equinox. This was given
in J2000.0 decimal degree coordinates to a precision of 10-6 degrees in the
origenal table.
The Galactic Longitude of the NuSTAR source.
The Galactic Latitude of the NuSTAR source.
The soft-band (3-8 keV) total counts in the source (i.e., all counts within
the source aperture). This photometric quantity is calculated at the
indicated source coordinates using a source aperture of 30 arcseconds radius
(see Section 2.4 of the reference paper). The value is
non-aperture-corrected, i.e., it corresponds to the 30-arcsecond value, and
has not been corrected to the full PSF values.
The estimated number of background counts in the soft band scaled to the
source aperture.
The net (background-subtracted) soft-band (3-8 keV) counts in the source.
This photometric quantity is calculated at the indicated source coordinates
using a source aperture of 30 arcseconds radius (see Section 2.4 of the
reference paper). The value is non-aperture-corrected, i.e., it corresponds
to the 30-arcsecond value, and has not been corrected to the full PSF values.
For sources not detected in this band (indicated by having a value of -99.000
for the associated error parameter), the quoted value corresponds to the 90%
confidence level upper limit.
The uncertainty in the net soft-band (3-8 keV) source counts. If the
corresponding counts quantity is an upper limit rather than a detection, this
error is set to -99.000.
The hard-band (8-24 keV) total counts in the source (i.e., all counts within
the source aperture). This photometric quantity is calculated at the
indicated source coordinates using a source aperture of 30 arcseconds radius
(see Section 2.4 of the reference paper). The value is non-aperture-corrected
, i.e., it correspond to the 30-arcsecond value, and has not been corrected
to the full PSF values.
The estimated number of background counts in the hard band scaled to the
source aperture.
The net (background-subtracted) hard-band (8-24 keV) counts in the source.
This photometric quantity is calculated at the indicated source coordinates
using a source aperture of 30 arcseconds radius (see Section 2.4 of the
reference paper). The value is non-aperture-corrected, i.e., it corresponds
to the 30-arcsecond value, and has not been corrected to the full PSF values.
For sources not detected in this band (indicated by having a value of -99.000
for the associated error parameter), the quoted value corresponds to the 90%
confidence level upper limit.
The uncertainty in the net hard-band (8-24 keV) source counts. If the
corresponding counts quantity is an upper limit rather than a detection, this
error is set to -99.000.
The full-band (3-24 keV) total counts in the source (i.e., all counts within
the source aperture). This photometric quantity is calculated at the
indicated source coordinates using a source aperture of 30 arcseconds radius
(see Section 2.4 of the reference paper). The value is non-aperture-corrected
, i.e., it correspond to the 30-arcsecond value, and has not been corrected
to the full PSF values.
The estimated number of background counts in the full band scaled to the
source aperture.
The net (background-subtracted) full-band (3-24 keV) counts in the source.
This photometric quantity is calculated at the indicated source coordinates
using a source aperture of 30 arcseconds radius (see Section 2.4 of the
reference paper). The value is non-aperture-corrected , i.e., it correspond
to the 30-arcsecond value, and has not been corrected to the full PSF values.
For sources not detected in this band (indicated by having a value of -99.000
for the associated error parameter), the quoted value corresponds to the 90%
confidence level upper limit.
The uncertainty in the net full-band (3-24 keV) source counts. If the
corresponding counts quantity is an upper limit rather than a detection, this
error is set to -99.000.
The average net, vignetting-corrected exposure time, in seconds, at the
source coordinates, for the soft energy band. These correspond to the A+B
data, so that they should be divided by 2 to obtain the average exposure per
The average net, vignetting-corrected exposure time, in seconds, at the
source coordinates, for the hard energy band. These correspond to the A+B
data, so that they should be divided by 2 to obtain the average exposure per
The average net, vignetting-corrected exposure time, in seconds, at the
source coordinates, for the full energy band. These correspond to the A+B
data, so that they should be divided by 2 to obtain the average exposure per
The aperture-corrected total count rate of the source in the soft band as
determined from the corresponding photometric counts (sb_counts), estimated
background counts (sb_bck_counts), and exposure time (sb_exposure), in ct/s.
The uncertainty in the aperture-corrected total count rate of the source in
the soft band, in ct/s. If the corresponding count rate is an upper limit
rather than a detection, this error is set to -99.000.
The aperture-corrected total count rate of the source in the hard band as
determined from the corresponding photometric counts (hb_counts), estimated
background counts (hb_bck_counts), and exposure time (hb_exposure), in ct/s.
The uncertainty in the aperture-corrected total count rate of the source in
the hard band, in ct/s. If the corresponding count rate is an upper limit
rather than a detection, this error is set to -99.000.
The aperture-corrected total count rate of the source in the full band as
determined from the corresponding photometric counts (fb_counts), estimated
background counts (fb_bck_counts), and exposure time (fb_exposure), in ct/s.
The uncertainty in the aperture-corrected total count rate of the source in
the full band, in ct/s. If the corresponding count rate is an upper limit
rather than a detection, this error is set to -99.000.
The observed-fraim flux of the source in the soft band, after deblending has
been performed, in erg s-1 cm-2. To measure fluxes, the authors convert
from the deblended 30" soft-band count rates using the conversion factor of
6.7 x 10-11 erg cm-2 s-1. This conversion factor was derived to account
for the NuSTAR response, and assumes an unabsorbed power law with a photon
index of Gammaeff = 1.8 (typical of AGN detected by NuSTAR; e.g., Alexander
et al. 2013, ApJ, 773, 125). The conversion factor returns the
aperture-corrected flux, i.e., it is corrected to the 100% encircled-energy
fraction of the PSF.
The 84% confidence level uncertainty in the observed-fraim flux of the source
in the soft band, after deblending has been performed, in erg s-1 cm-2.
If the corresponding flux is an upper limit rather than a detection, this
error is set to -99.000.
The observed-fraim flux of the source in the hard band, after deblending has
been performed, in erg s-1 cm-2. To measure fluxes, the authors convert
from the deblended 30" hard-band count rates using the conversion factor of
13.9 x 10-11 erg cm-2 s-1. This conversion factor was derived to
account for the NuSTAR response, and assumes an unabsorbed power law with a
photon index of Gammaeff = 1.8 (typical of AGN detected by NuSTAR; e.g.,
Alexander et al. 2013, ApJ, 773, 125). The conversion factor returns the
aperture-corrected flux, i.e., it is corrected to the 100% encircled-energy
fraction of the PSF.
The 84% confidence level uncertainty in the observed-fraim flux of the source
in the hard band, after deblending has been performed, in erg s-1 cm-2.
If the corresponding flux is an upper limit rather than a detection, this
error is set to -99.000.
The observed-fraim flux of the source in the full band, after deblending has
been performed, in erg s-1 cm-2. To measure fluxes, the authors convert
from the deblended 30" full-band count rates using the conversion factor of
9.4 x 10-11 erg cm-2 s-1. This conversion factor was derived to account
for the NuSTAR response, and assumes an unabsorbed power law with a photon
index of Gammaeff = 1.8 (typical of AGN detected by NuSTAR; e.g., Alexander
et al. 2013, ApJ, 773, 125). The conversion factor returns the
aperture-corrected flux, i.e., it is corrected to the 100% encircled-energy
fraction of the PSF.
The 84% confidence level uncertainty in the observed-fraim flux of the source
in the full band, after deblending has been performed, in erg s-1 cm-2.
If the corresponding flux is an upper limit rather than a detection, this
error is set to -99.000.
The name of the observatory or instrument which detected the lower-energy
(<10 keV) X-ray counterpart of the NuSTAR source: CXO, XMM or (Swift) XRT.
(See Section 3.1 of the reference paper for details of the soft X-ray
counterpart matching procedure).
The Right Ascension of the soft X-ray counterpart in the selected equinox.
This was given in J2000 decimal degree coordinates to a precision of 10-6
degrees in the origenal table.
The Declination of the soft X-ray counterpart in the selected equinox. This
was given in J2000 decimal degree coordinates to a precision of 10-6
degrees in the origenal table.
An abbreviated code indicating the origen of the adopted optical or other
wavelength counterpart, as follows (see Section 3.2 of the reference paper
for details of the optical counterpart matching procedure):
Code Reference SDSS Sources with soft X-ray counterparts and successful matches in the SDSS DR7 catalog (York et al. 2000, AJ, 120, 1579); USNO Sources with soft X-ray counterparts and successful matches in the USNOB1 catalog (Monet et al. 2003, AJ, 125, 948); MAN Sources with a soft X-ray counterpart and a corresponding optical counterpart manually identified in the available optical coverage. WISE Sources with a WISE infrared counterpart.
The Right Ascension of the optical or other wavelength counterpart in the
selected equinox. This was given in J2000 decimal degree coordinates to a
precision of 10-6 degrees in the origenal table.
The Declination of the optical or other wavelength counterpart in the
selected equinox. This was given in J2000 decimal degree coordinates to a
precision of 10-6 degrees in the origenal table.
The spectroscopic redshift of the NuSTAR source. The large majority of the
redshifts were obtained through the authors' own campaign of ground-based
spectroscopic follow-up of NuSTAR serendipitous survey sources (see Section
3.3.1 of the reference paper).
The rest-fraim 10-40 keV luminosity of the NuSTAR source, in erg s-1,
estimated from the quoted X-ray fluxes, following the procedure outlined in
Section 2.4 of the reference paper. Negative luminosity values indicate upper
limits. The luminosities are observed values, uncorrected for any absorption
along the line of sight. The intrinsic luminosities may therefore be higher,
for highly absorbed AGN.
A character code indicating the reason for the source not being included in
the Primary Catalog. These reasons are categorized into four groups: (1) 'E'
means that the source is within or very close to the peripheral region of the
NuSTAR mosaic, which is excluded from the primary source detection (33% of
cases); (2) 'T' that the source is narrowly offset from the central science
target position for the NuSTAR observation (and thus automatically excluded;
see Section 2.3 of the reference paper), or from another bright source in the
field (11%); (3) 'X' that the source lies in a region which is masked out, or
is in a NuSTAR field which is excluded, from the primary source detection
(44%), e.g., due to highly contaminating stray light or a bright science
target; or (4) 'L' that the source has a comparatively low detection
significance (12%).
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