One of the most famous Renaissance jewelry sets, reached us thanks to portraits. It belonged to Elisabeth of Austria, Queen of France in 16th century. That time it was fashionable to wear jewelry sets, i.e. jewelry with similar combinations of stones or technics or motif. You may see on the portrait that wide chain from the chest of the Queen repeats the pattern of her collar as well as the touret (a headdress formed by a row of pearls running from one ear to the other) and aiguillettes.
Our replica contains a massive pendant attached to wide chain, and four thinner chains connected to the pendant. You also may purchase all the elements separately.
Synthetic gems, freshwater pearls, 1 large Kasumi pearl for the pendant, gilding, cold enamel. Size of the pendant is about 8x6,5 cm without the pearl, length of the wide chain is 26 cm, lengths of thin chains are 19 and 36 cm.