
32 Pins
Simple Science Experiment for Kids: Why are there craters on the moon?
Simple Science Experiment for Kids: Why are there craters on the moon? - I Can Teach My Child!
Earth’s Orbit Misconception
This week we started our unit on space and we’ve been having SO.MUCH.FUN learning all about the Sun, the Earth, and the moon! Can I just tell you how impressed I am by how much information my kiddos have learned in just a few short day… It just goes to prove that when kids are engaged, learning takes place To begin our unit, I decided to tackle one of the biggest MISCONCEPTIONS I noticed my class was having…. Many of the kids believed that the Sun travels around, the Earth. Can you blame...
DIY Solar System Craft for Kids
This solar system craft is perfect for teaching your children about space. And it is so fun and simple to make. It pairs great with our other outer space crafts (like a space shuttle and astronaut). Make learning fun with this paper plate craft. #paperplatecrafts #spacecraftsforkids #easycraftsforkids
DIY astronaut glove box
Make your own astronaut glove box to show kids how astronauts and scientists study moon rocks and other specimens in space. || Gift of Curiosity
Build a Lunar Lander - Technology Literacy, Critical Thinking/problem Solving Skills, Creative Thinking, Communication Skills, Collaboration Skills, Leadership Skills, Social Skills, Self-Monitoring And Self-Direction Skills, Project Management Skills
Build a Lunar Lander | NextLesson
Oreo Moon Phases - The Stem Laboratory
My little astronomers love observing the night sky! After they asked how the moon shrunk and grew, I knew it was the perfect time to teach them about the moon’s phases with this oh-so-yummy Oreo space activity. Who knew science could be so tasty?! Getting Ready To prep the activity, I needed: 1 medium ball (baseball […]