Vest Energy

30 Pins
1982年、素材と染色の新開発に傾倒してイタリアで生まれ、20世紀にはユースカルチャーの象徴になった<ストーン アイランド>のファッションスナップin LONDON。 | POPEYE Web | ポパイウェブ
Wide Awake: Carhartt WIP Launches Their Latest Awake NY Team-Up
Wide Awake: Carhartt WIP Launches Their Latest Awake NY Team-Up
Easy Winter - Fall Winter 2021 Collection
#FW2021 #fallwinter21 #benetton #ucb #unitedcolorsofbenetton #colors #jcc #jeancharlesdecastelbajac
Wool for all seasons
Nature’s supreme fibre adapts with ease as #spring overturns the winter chill and autumn draws curtains on summer. Here is a selection of leaders realising the innate benefits of wool. #Photography Paul Scala #Styling Jolyn Mason #Hair Michele McQuillan #Make-up Amanda Reardon #SetDesign Ben Fountain #Models Billie Smolenaers/IMG #Models Grace Monfries/Pride #Models Joey Gould/Kult Models