relax music

What Is Music Therapy?
The use of music therapy can improve walking ability, hand function, memory, and more.
7 Scientific Studies About How Animals React to Music
Music is pretty universally enjoyed ... when it comes to people. Animals, on the other hand, have diverse reactions to tunes. Here are seven scientific discoveries about how animals react to music, either created by humans or themselves.
すぐにリラックスするために5分を聞いてください | 心が落ち着く、癒しのピアノ曲メドレー【リラックスBGM】 | 静かな夜の物語【癒しBGM】美しく切ない、ノスタルジックな音楽
[Sleep in 5 minutes, sleep background music] | Sleeping BGM that resolves sleep debt and restores the mind and body
Charlotte Ave Sing Beautiful Cover Of 'ALLELUJAH'
Charlotte Ave Singing beautiful cover of 'ALLELUJAH' will lead us in worship to the lord.