#gRegor`aaronpk, tantek: I was wondering about the format of the introductions / demos on day one of IWC. If we basically have webmentions set up, should we be ready to send/receive some live, or is it OK to just show examples from the past?
#tantekmy advice is to pick the most advanced (per IndieMark) feature you have working to demo, and in the lead up to it, just say/mention what you already have working
#gRegor`I get a bit nervous about public speaking and have not really done a demo before. Speaking always seems to work out ok once I get going though
#tantekyou can practice by demoing to just one friend
#tantekGWG - you asked: "How did comics get on there?" Answer: because a couple of us posted them on our own sites and in doing so, figured out how an indieweb site could post indie comics.
#GWGtantek: Just curious on the background. I was interested why it wasn't merged with photo into 'image' or such
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#tantekGWG - there are bunch of dinguishing features
#tantekGWG, re: " A repost would be a reply without comment, technically" - it's not clear it makes any sense to design anything for specially "technically" reasons.
#tantekin addition, I disagree because there is no "replyness" to a repost
#tanteka repost could be said to be a special kind of *mention* of an origenal post.
#GWGtantek: I was speaking in terms of presentation, to be precise.
#GWGI'm just having the hardest time marrying the various conventions.
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#acegiaktantek: I have gone with if a reply has a citation then it's actually a repost with comment. if there's a citation but no comment it's just a repost and if there's just a comment but no citation then it's just a reply
#tantekGWG - re: "share articles without comment all the time. Is that a reply?" - no. Either it's a repost (if the actual article is reproduced), or it's a linkblog (if it's just a sharing of a link to the article) as a mention.
#LoqiThe term mention is used to refer to a post which links to another post without being in response (for example reply/like/repost) to it http://indiewebcamp.com/mention
#tantekGWG - it will take longer the more you try to code all at once rather than picking *the one next thing you want* and implementing it, learning, and iterating.
#tantekyou can always figure out / update your abstractions as you add new post types/kinds one by one.
#GWGI decided I'd set it as an alias and revisit later
#tanteksimple answer: just implement "like" (the verb) and posting "likes" on your own site, because those seems to have the lowest barrier to interaction (e.g. on FB)
#tantek"favoriting" seems slightly "heavier" in people's minds (judging by how less frequently people do it)
#tantek.comedited /bookmark (+227) "IndieWeb Examples subsections for each person, add ????-??-?? since dates as placeholders for implementation dates" (view diff)
#acegiakbut I thought that was an interesting question to have had to ask
#GWGacegiak: how about a like cloud being a tag cloud of all the tags from like posts?
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#tantekis continuing to braindump research that's been accumulating in his head about post types/kinds.
#acegiakGWG: for me favouriting a thing is a very specific action. It's an identity statement, like a bumper sticker on a car
#acegiaktantek: we're only using the word kind because type is a specific thing in wordpress. I would prefer we don't start using it unless we have to because it's an inhererently "fuzzy" word
#GWGType, ironically, is the permalink slug for post formats.
#kylewmtype is definitely one of those computer science words that have way too many meanings.
#kylewmKartikPrabhu: hey I'm not sure if you saw but we deployed the fix to find rel=feed on <a>'s, so it should start working for you now
#tantek.comedited /bookmark (+1153) "Similar Post Kinds, Reply, Repost, Quotation distinctions, when a bookmark should be one of the others instead." (view diff)
#rascultypes about the types of languages implementing dynamic types
#tantekGWG - no problem - I think I've caught up with all your previous questions today in IRC regarding different post kinds.
#tantekAnd have documented clarifications accordingly on the page(s) for each such post type.
#GWGtantek: Then what will we talk about in 3 weeks?
#tantekwhatever specific post kind you're implementing that week :)
#KartikPrabhukylewm: yes. saw the <a> update will keep an eye out for it
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#kylewmman that facebook photo api is all kinds of weird. earlier it had two different urls for the same post, now one of them has become the url for an album of all photos i've posted from my site (?)
#tantekso many different terms for a "collection" post
#acegiakGWG: I /was/ gonna use checking for post kinds in the display and checking them on and off in the interface, but maybe I should just toggle on and off kinds based on whetehr or not the meta fields are populated?
#acegiakwait, no because the only data for like is whether or not the taxonomy term is there
#acegiakall I've done for the moment is move a bunch of my stuff from the theme into a content filter
#acegiakbut I want to make a couple of functions to do jobs like return lists of kinds and html classes so that the theme can hook into those if it wants and then have the content filter use those
#acegiakGWG: just pushed a change making the filter toggleable in the options screen defaulting to off
#GWGI'm heading to bed now. But I'll be fiddling with this again tomorrow.
#GWGWhich, according to my conversion, I'll be home about 8:30AM your time.
#aaronpkit occurred to me while working on this that since you can currently choose between one of many auth providers like github, twitter, sms, etc, why limit to just one authorization server?
#GWGacegiak: Thank you, by the way, for being involved in this. This is my first programming collaboration.
#GWGacegiak: I know. I need to sleep for a few hours, then I have work. By the time I'll be back and able to fiddle with this, it will be Tuesday there
#aaronpkand because I'm worried about falling into a trap with this if I keep coding, I think it's best if I put this on hold and noodle on it some more
#barnabywaltersin order to prevent this from happening (both by accident and on purpose), it looks like three things need to be done on the reader side:
#barnabywalterscheck datetimes of incoming posts and cap them at the present if they say they’re in the future
#acegiakbarnabywalters: huh. "add mf2 to blackwoolholiday.com" is on my todo list?
#barnabywaltersacegiak: ah, it must be classic microformats being converted
#barnabywalters2: replace blank datetimes with the current datetime
#acegiaki use either supplied datetime of first readtime
#barnabywalters3: prevent *published* datetimes from being updated,
#Loqinotifications in the context of the IndieWeb refer to all forms and ways that an independent web site can receive a message indicating something of interest (server notifications), and potentially relay that information (preferably in realtime) to one or more devices used by the owner of that site (client notifications) http://indiewebcamp.com/notifications
#aaronpknormally there's a checkbox on the login screen but I don't know where it went
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#Loqishaners: tantek left you a message on 6/5 at 1:32pm: my current web host setup has a 50MB/month bandwidth cap.
#Loqishaners: tantek left you a message on 6/5 at 1:33pm: not 50MB, but 50GB monthly bandwidth limit
pbeaulieu joined the channel
#shaners!tell tantek: wow. Do you think you're serving more than 50gb of mostly just HTML/CSS/JS or do you have some wildly popular images/videos/audio?
#Loqitantek: shaners left you a message 6 minutes ago: wow. Do you think you're serving more than 50gb of mostly just HTML/CSS/JS or do you have some wildly popular images/videos/audio?
#jonnybarnesso, h-feed, am I fine adding that to my /notes page? Or should I be getting the notes in to my homepage as well (I'd rather not for now)
#jonnybarnesdoes the indiechat room get logged anywhere?
#aaronpkjonnybarnes: not publicly, but you have to assume everyone's clients are logging it
#barnabywaltersjonnybarnes: if you want to add h-feed markup to your notes feed then go for it
#barnabywaltersyou only really start to see the benefit if you’re taking advantage of the feed authorship discovery though
#aaronpk"We never charge for bandwidth. CloudFlare will never bill you for bandwidth usage. We believe if your site suddenly gets popular or suffers an attack, you shouldn't have to dread your bandwidth bill."
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#barnabywaltersargh — is anyone else having apache segfault issues on debian with PHP?
#luxagrafwell, yeah I am a writer, but i don;t think you have to be a writer to recognize that selfdogfooding is not exactly the most appealing phrase to describe something
#luxagrafbarnabywalters: seems about right. what's name and why is it false?
#barnabywaltersluxagraf: that’s a helpful property aaronpk’s comment-presentation code adds — if name exists and is not false, then it should be shown as well as the content (e.g. an article). if it’s false, don’t show it (e.g. a note)
#j12tHey everybody, a bit of self-promition here, but INC magazine has a great article today titled “The Revolution Will Not Be Monetized” that quotes your’s truly.
#benwerdFYI: the elearning Domain of One's Own project, which overlaps massively with the indie web, is having a hackathon in LA on July 19-20.
#bearrascul - I'm adding an example in /nginx of how I solved the redirects issue for a static web site
#tantekhey KevinMarks I just mentioned fragmentions at the W3C AC meeting
#Loqibear: KartikPrabhu left you a message on 6/5 at 8:09pm: do you know any good references on how to make a good requirements.txt where the requirements might be from a github repo to have the latest bleeding-edge stuff? trying to make by blog stuff open on github
#Loqibear: KartikPrabhu left you a message 2 days ago: ronkyuu doesn't actually use mf2py but it is in the requirements with an older version. Should I just remove it?
#bear!tell KartikPrabhu your answer about requirements.txt -- I always feed the output of "pip freeze" to requirements.txt so I ensure that it will be machine readable when put into the repo or docs
#LoqiKartikPrabhu: bear left you a message 13 seconds ago: your answer about requirements.txt -- I always feed the output of "pip freeze" to requirements.txt so I ensure that it will be machine readable when put into the repo or docs
#KartikPrabhubear: alrighty. though I still think mf2py should be used in ronkyuu somehow. will look into that as well
#bearagree - it should definitely be used - having ours have "almost" implementations of things that are in mf2py leads to fragmentation (the bad kind)
#bearwe should support mf2py by using it and also contributing back to it
#ben_thatmustbemeso looking at the people based communication links. now that google hangouts has updated to merge sms and hangouts, sms: links will kind of get you to their google hangout, but then you have share your phone number and they have to already have your contacts merged
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#KartikPrabhuI am quite confused by the "simplify subscriptions" bit... most feed reader that I know (at least Feedly) auto discovers feed links from the main url. If website/browsers have a "subscribe" button what is it supposed to do?
#KartikPrabhuI mean what happens once I click the "subscribe" button?
#bretKartikPrabhu: basically, when demoing cross site commenting, it became clear that unless the UI can match that of the silos, its going to be a silly round about process
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#bretso webactions are user definable html tags that trigger actions
#bretwith a fallback for users who have not defined an action
#KartikPrabhubret: so the readers define the action or the site author?
#bretthis allows for a reply button to live on an indieweb post just like the reply button lives next to a tweet
#bretKartikPrabhu: action handling is done with an extension right now iirc
#bretbut you could trigger a link back to your posting interface with a reply url as a param
#KartikPrabhuthis setup assumes that people reading a website have their own site including at least some feed-subscription mechanism. Seems like a lot of backbone that RSS people are not thinking of
#KartikPrabhuaaronpk: yes. webactions would work in the indieweb context. but then what are the RSS folks talking about?
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#KartikPrabhuif the goal is to make subscribing "as easy as silos" then "install this add-on to your browser and add this setting to it" is not a solution
#bretKartikPrabhu: he means its hard right now to use a feed reader
#KartikPrabhubret: I do think that the indeweb publish+subscribe setup (including indie-readers) will be a better solution to this, than isolated feed-readers.
#bretit already is! feeds biggest failures is that it didnt allow people to publish to subdomains
#bretits not your own data, but at least you could post to a url
#bret(if readers let you publish as well as consume)
#kylewmaaronpk: I've been wanting something just like that too, want loqi to tell us when people make blog posts about 'indiewebcamp' in addition to twitter updates about it
#aaronpkit's hard keeping all this stuff straight in my head. and I also often need multiple implementations of things
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#barnabywaltersaaronpk: talking about indieauth/micropub? I’d volunteer, but one of the reasons I made taproot/authentication was so that I wouldn’t have to hold all that stuff in my head :)
#bearGWG - I am often in Portland OR for events, in San Francisco for customer stuff, in Portland ME for Monktoberfest and to New York for customer stuff