Craignethan Gate, Glenboig
Indicative costs relating to the tenure of the new home and Estimated costs for maintaining the property
This form highlights any anticipated costs that customers may be liable for during the first 10 years of ownership of their new home. Where estimated costs are provided, it must be borne in mind that those costs will be likely to increase year on year in line with RPI.
This does not include such areas as mortgage payments, utility bills or home insurance, but covers potential anticipated costs of running and maintaining a home. These costs are indicative and based on the best information at this time but could be subject to change.
In addition to the items noted below, Customers should follow the manufacturers guidelines and warranty requirements in order to maintain any appliances or fixtures within their new home.
Furthermore, whilst running in a new home, it is important to maintain good levels of ventilation whilst the structure is drying out. This could include the use of extractor fans in bathrooms and keeping trickle vents open on windows. For further information, please refer to the Customer Service team.
The projected costs referred to below are only estimates, are not intended to reflect all possible costs that a customer may incur and are provided for guidance only. Actual costs incurred may be higher or lower than specified and we accept no liability should actual costs incurred differ from those set out.
Indicative costs relating to the tenure of the new home
Type of Cost Detail / Nature of Costs
Managing Agent name
Manage ment service fees
(see FAQ’s below for further details)
Ground rent
Block service charge
Event fees
Documen t fee
Ross & Liddell
Address 6 Clifton Terrace, Edinburgh
EH12 5DR
Telephone Number 0131 346 8989
Email Address newbusiness@ross
The current estimated annual amount payable per property
A flat fee will be collected on completion, which will be allocated against the account for the Property
These are charges for leasehold properties only
These are charges for leasehold properties only and are sometimes referred to as Service Charges.
These are charges raised by the Managing Agent to cover services they provide for the benefit of the Building.
It is usual for a Managing Agent to charge a fee for providing a pack of up-to-date information to facilitate any re-sale or remortgage of a property. The pack would be requested as part of the legal conveyancing process.
Fees depend on the purpose of the pack, age of the development and the Managing Agent. Costs should be expected to increase annually in line with RPI.
A document fee is payable for producing the sales pack and engrossment transfer or lease. This amount is included in the property completion statement.
Management Service Fees – FAQ’s
What are the Managem
£ N/A
Typical fees range between £200.00 and £500.00
£150 +VAT
These are charges raised by the Property Factor to cover the services they provide for the benefit of your Property or the Estate. It covers the maintenance costs and upkeep of communal
ent Service Fees for?
Will the estimated cost increase?
managed areas on the Estate. For example:
Landscaped areas
Play areas
Non-adopted, shared footpaths
The managing agents fees and costs associated with the administration of the Property Factor
The scope of these charges can change over the lifetime of a development.
The Annual Maintenance Cost has been estimated by the Managing Agent and is an estimate of the costs likely to be incurred in the first year or so after they take on the management of the Development. These costs are likely to increase in line with inflation, as per the provisions of the Transfer, and the Managing Agent will keep you informed on an annual basis of the costs.
How and when will the Charges be invoiced?
What should I do if I have any other questions?
The Managing Agent will issue formal Estate Management Charge invoices to you. They will collect this usually in either quarterly or six-monthly installments. The Estate Management Charge will be collected in advance, so that there is money available to pay for the services provided.
On a larger development, once certain elements of the Estate communal areas are physically available on the development, the developer may elect to undertake the Estate Services and will then issue the Estate Management Charge invoices until such time as the Managing Agent takes over the day-to-day Estate management functions.
Full details are set out in the legal documentation pack which will be sent to your solicitor who will be able to assist with any queries.
Estimated costs for maintaining the property
l structu re Brick Stone Other
Garden bounda ries
Stone/Brick Timber fencing Hedging Other
Additio nal fixtures PV Panels EV Charger
Applian ces
Cooker Hood Oven Hob Fridge/ Freezer
Cleaning + inverter replacement (year 10)
Your EV Charger comes with a 3-year warranty but should give around 10 years of use. Servicing cost every 3 years
Integrated and free-standing appliances carry a two-year warranty. Appliance manufacturesandothersoffer extended warranty and breakdown cover for up to 10 years, typically costing £6 to £10perappliancepermonth.