How to Make Money as a Personal Trainer (9 Best Ways) - Swift Salary
As a personal fitness trainer, you're not confined to big box gyms for the rest of your life. There are many different ways to make money as a personal trainer, both offline AND online. So, whether you're a current trainer or simply someone who's interested in potentially starting a career in the fitness industry, you'll find this post helpful. It will show you, in detail, how to make money as a personal trainer in the beginning of your career, and further. #personaltrainer #makemoney
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NASM Study Guide: Passing the NASM Certified Personal Training Exam
Prepping for the NASM Certified Personal Training Exam? Here is my complete recap from when I purchased my study materials all the way through the exam itself. Helpful tips and LOTS of insight into the test format (PLUS a discount!).