Western craft ideas

231 Pins
DIY Pool Noodle Horse Obstacle
Build your own horse obstacle course this summer with the FREE .pdf printable horse obstacle plans. With a little wood and a few noodles this is a great barn project to DIY.
Pool Noodle Horses
Pool Noodle Horses | My Crazy Blessed Life!
How to Make a Super Fun Pool Noodle Horse, a Complete Tutorial
Kids will love the toy horse that you made. A pool noodle horse is such a fun craft to make and to play with! Spark their imagination with a DIY hobby horse. #thecraftyblogstalker #poolnoodlehorse #toyhorse #DIYhobbyhorse
Western VBS...Horses. Made out of pool noodles. Bend the end over and tie with ribbon. Hot glue felt ears on. Hot glue strips of fleece or fabric for mane. Glue eyes on. With black sharpie draw nose and eye lashes. Super easy and quick. If you want it to stand up just stick a dowel rod in the ground and put the horse on top of it!! Giddy up!!!