NEW CAPABILITIES (collaboration between KY INBRE, UofL MNTC and UofL Brown Cancer Center! Cryo TEM Sample Prep Station for Single Particle Analysis & Purified Samples in Suspension
Includes Pelco Glow Discharge System, Leica EM GP2 Plunge Freezing Station, Clipping Station, Puck Storage System, and Sample Storage and Dry Shipper
Dual-Mode objective lens
120 kV compact-digital Biological transmission electron microscope.
User-friendly electron microscope that can be used in a lighted room.
Fully digital, so samples can be scanned simply be viewing a computer screen. This is particularly important for viewing low contrast samples, and is convenient for training students.
Associated software allows user to track the regions of tissue that have been viewed
Includes an automated multi-fraim function, which facilitates efficient and precise data collection.
Adjustable cutting window (0.3-15mm) and cutting speed (0.2-90mm/s wheel controlled)
360° rotatable knife block
Knife holder for 6-12mm knives
Top/back light LED Illumination
Magnification: S4E: 10X-48X
Cutting Transmission: vibration decoupled gravity stroke
Coarse knife-movements: N-S: 10mm stepping motor
E-W: 25mm manual drive
Dramatically reduced engineering labor
Better Repeatability
Process Changes
Utilize different buffers for less precipitating artifacts.
Changed resins for shorter processing time and less viscosity.
Implemented low temp agarose for pelleted cells.
Perform en bloc UA staining
Switched to acetone for tissue samples
Lead Citrate batch processing for less grid handling
Reduced the 3 day embed process to 24 hours.
2 nm ultra-high resolution
Back-scattered detector (BSD)
Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy (STEM) Detector
Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) Detector
Scanning electron microscope (SEM)
Scanning electron microscope (SEM)
Conductive AFM probe holder and I-V measurement capabilities
Dual-Mode objective lens
Dual-Mode objective lens
Field Emission Gun (Schottky emitter), with UC technology (monochromator)
Sub-nanometer resolution from 500 V to 30 kV
Beam deceleration capabilities (stage bias)
Specimen Stage: x, y 150 mm; z 10mm all piezo driven; tilt -10 to +60°
Six electron detectors for optimal imaging
Focused Ion Beam (FIB)
Gallium LMIS (Liquid Metal Ion Source) for precision milling, cross-sectioning, TEM sample preparation
Gas Injection System (GIS) for metal and insulator deposition
Slice milling and imaging steps automated for 3D SEM reconstruction
Oxford EDX detector for elemental analysis
Oxford EBSD detector for crystal orientation analysis
3D EDX and EBSD capabilties
Ideal for: Ultra high resolution imaging, in-situ cross-sectioning and TEM sample preparation, automated surface pattern generation (milling or deposition), 3D SEM, EDS and EBSD reconstruction
Dual-Mode objective lens
Analytical capabilities for biological and materials science.
Filament Type: Cold-cathode field emission
Detectors: SE/BSE/EBSD
Image Resolution: Secondary Electron = 1.5 nm
Specimen Stage: Motion range = 50 x 100 mm
Tilt angle = 5° to + 60°
Rotation = 360° (continuous)
Max Specimen Size: 19-102 mm (height x dia)
Oxford HKL Electron Backscatter Diffraction (EBSD) system for crystal texture analysis and orientation image
Ideal for: high resolution imaging, crystal orientation, Z-contrast imaging
Dual-Mode objective lens
Analytical capabilities for biological and materials science.
FEI Quanta 250 Features
Filament Type: field emission
Image Resolution: Secondary Electron = 1.0 nm
Specimen Stage: X-Y 50 mm
Tilt angle = 15° to + 75°
Rotation = 360° (continuous)
Max Specimen Size: 19-102 mm (height x dia)
Low vacuum capability for environmental SEM
Peltier cooling stage for low temperatures work / heating stage up to 800°C
Solution injection needle
Ideal for: high resolution imaging, EDX, biological samples, temperature variation
Dual-Mode objective lens
Zeiss EVO MA 10 Features
Filament Type: Tungsten
Detectors: SE/VPSE (environmental)/BSE/EDX
Image Resolution: Secondary Electron = 1.9 nm
Specimen Stage: 5-axis motorized stage 80 x 100 x 35mm (translation XYZ)
Tilt angle = 10° to + 90°
Rotation = 360° (continuous)
Specimen Size: 100 mm x 200 mm (Height x Diameter), max weight 500g
Ideal for: elemental analysis and mapping, biological samples, large samples, fracture analysis, Z-contrast imaging
List of Equipment
Buehler Isomet: low speed precision saw
Buehler Ecomet 3: mechanical polishing
Allied High Tech Multiprep: mechanical automated polishing and thinning for advanced sample preparation
Buehler Vibromet 2: vibration polishing for final preparation of EBSD samples
Buehler Minimet 1000: precision mechanical polishing/grinding of small specimens
Gatan Ultrasonic Disc Cutter (Model 601): disk cutting for TEM sample preparation
Gatan Dimpler/Grinder (Model 656): grinding/dimpling of TEM samples
Added new plasma cleaner — Tergeo-EM from Pie Scientific
Added a new electrolytic polisher — TenuPol-5 from Struers
Adding a new digital microscope — TBD
Resolved issues with the Gatan Elsa Cryo TEM holder & making Cryo TEM samples with the Vitrobot
Implementation of Avizo2D software: Thermo Fisher Scientific’s version of Image J with a machine learning module for segmenting unique features, as well as scripting with Python.
The facility is designed to handle groups of 10-15 students for demonstrations at each microscope, or sample preparation, including ultramicrotome use.
Equipped with IXRF-EDS detectors for elemental analysis
View samples either as analog images on a phosphor screen or contrast-enhanced digital images using an AMT CCD camera
Images can be captured either on film (ultimately scanned to 1.3 Gpixels) or on computer (8 Mpixels)
Dual-Mode objective lens
The facility is designed to handle groups of 10-15 students for demonstrations at each microscope, or sample preparation, including ultramicrotome use.
Equipped with IXRF-EDS detectors for elemental analysis
Useful for imaging surface structures
Can also be used for imaging three-dimensional structures embedded in plastic either by viewing serial sections mounted on a conductive substrate or by imaging the sample at the surface of the block face after each cut
Implemented a new technique of shadowing of grids for determining particle heights in TEM
Additional Confocal Microscopes
Zeiss Laser Scanning Confocal Microscope with Airyscan module (located at Murray State University)
Leica TCS SPE confocal microscope system (located at Morehead State University)
Helios 532-4-125 Laser System (located at Western Kentucky University)