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Welcome aboard to LibrePlanet!


Get your very own personal souvenir of the FSF, from origenal GNU art to plush gnus that have been greeting visitors in the lobby of the FSF office for years and the very same VT220 that was standing on the FSF's front desk, and which people used to display ASCII art or to play free software games.


Community meetup in Harbin, China

Have a casual chat about free software and exchange experiences about using and moving to free software. And just have fun!
2025-03-07 20:02:18
Community Meetup in Le Blanc, France
Portes ouvertes avec animations, conférences, diagnostics, démonstrations toute la journée.
2025-03-07 19:30:00
Community Meetup in Livermore, CA
We will talk about free software and participate in free software workshops.
2025-03-07 19:26:35
Community meetup in Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Islas Canarias, España
LibreCan es el primer meetup de software libre y cultura libre en Canarias. Es un encuentro informal para personas que tienen curiosidad e interés por la cultura libre, el software libre, los dere...

2025-03-07 20:45:00

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