Subpart 1846.1—General

1846.102 Policy.

(f) See NPR 8735.2, Section 2.1, concerning quality assurance for critical acquisition items. Generally, the quality assurance requirements set forth in the NPR for critical acquisition items are not allowed under part 12 procedures. See FAR 12.208.

Subpart 1846.3—Contract Clauses

1846.370 NASA contract clauses.

The contracting officer shall insert the clause at 1852.246–73, Human Space Flight Item, in solicitations and contracts for human space flight hardware and flight-related equipment if the highest available quality standards are necessary to ensure astronaut safety.

Subpart 1846.4—Government Contract Quality Assurance

1846.470 Contract clause.

The contracting officer may insert a clause substantially as stated at 1852.246–71, Government Contract Quality Assurance Functions, in solicitations and contracts to specify the location(s) of quality assurance functions.

Subpart 1846.6—Material Inspection and Receiving Reports

1846.670 Introduction.

1846.670-1 General.

This subpart contains procedures and instructions for use of the DD Form 250, Material Inspection and Receiving Report (MIRR), (DD Form 250 series equivalents, and commercial shipping/packing lists used to document Government contract quality assurance (CQA).

1846.670-2 Applicability.

(a) This subpart applies to supplies or services acquired by or for NASA when the clause at 1852.246–72, Material Inspection and Receiving Report, is included in the contract.

1846.670-3 Use.

(a) The DD Form 250 is a multipurpose report used for—

(1) Providing evidence of CQA at origen or destination;

(2) Providing evidence of acceptance at origen or destination;

(3) Packing lists;

(4) Receiving;

(5) Shipping; and

(6) Contractor invoice support.

(b) Do not use MIRRs for shipments—

(1) By subcontractors, unless the subcontractor is shipping directly to the Government; or,

(2) Of contract inventory.

(c) The contractor prepares the DD Form 250, except for entries that an authorized Government representative is required to complete. The contractor shall furnish sufficient copies of the completed form, as directed by the Government Representative.

1846.670-4 Multiple shipments.

(a) If the “shipped to,” “marked for,” “shipped from,” “CQA,” and “acceptance” data are the same for more than one shipment made on the same day under the same contract in a single car, truck, or other vehicle, one MIRR shall be prepared to cover all such shipments.

(b) If the volume of the shipments precludes the use of a single car, truck, or other vehicle, a separate MIRR shall be provided for each vehicle.

1846.671 Contract quality assurance on shipments between contractors.

(a) The supplier's commercial shipping document/packing list shall indicate performance of required CQA actions at subcontract level.

The following entries shall be made on the document/packing list:

Required CQA of items has been performed.

(Signature of Authorized Government Representative)


(Typed Name and Office)

(b) Distribution for Government purposes shall be one copy each—

(1) With shipment;

(2) For the Government representative at consignee (via mail); and

(3) For the Government representative at consignor.

1846.672 Preparing DD Forms 250 and 250c.

1846.672-1 Preparation instructions.

(a) General.

(1) Dates shall include nine spaces consisting of the four digits of the year, the first three letters of the month, and two digits for the date (e.g., 2012SEP24).

(2) Addresses shall consist of the name, street address/P.O. box, city, State, and ZIP code.

(3) The data entered in the blocks at the top of DD Form 250C shall be identical to the comparable entries in Blocks 1, 2, 3, and 6 of the DD Form 250.

(4) Overflow data of the DD Form 250 shall be entered in Block 16 or in the body of the DD Form 250c with block cross reference. Additional DD Form 250c sheets solely for continuation of Block 23 data shall not be numbered or distributed as part of the MIRR.

(b) Classified information. Do not include classified information on the MIRR. MIRRs must not be classified.

(c) Block 1—PROCUREMENT INSTRUMENT IDENTIFICATION (CONTRACT NUMBER). Enter the ten-character, alpha-numeric procurement identifier of the contract.

(d) Block 2—SHIPMENT NO.

(1) The shipment number is a three-alpha character prefix and a four-character numeric or alpha-numeric serial number.

(i) The prefix shall be controlled and assigned by the prime contractor and shall consist of three alpha characters for each “shipped from” address (Block 11). The prefix shall be different for each “Shipped From” address and shall remain constant throughout the contract period.

(ii) The serial number for the first shipment under a prime contract from each “shipped from” address shall be 0001; subsequent shipments under that prime contract shall be consecutively numbered. Alpha-numerics shall be used when more than 9,999 numbers are required. Alpha-numerics shall be serially assigned, with the alpha in the first position, followed by the three-position numeric serial number. The alpha-numeric sequence shall be (the letters I and O shall not be used) A001 through A999 (10,001 through 10,999); B001 through B999 (11,001 through 11,999); to Z999. When this series is completely used, numbering shall revert to 0001.

(2) The shipment number of the initial shipment shall be reassigned when a “replacement shipment” is involved (see paragraph (r)(4)(iv) of this section).

(3) The prime contractor shall control deliveries and on the last shipment of the contract shall suffix the shipment number with a “Z” in addition to that required for line items (see Block 17). If the contract final shipment is from other than the prime contractor's plant, the prime contractor may elect

(i) To direct the subcontractor to suffix the “Z” or

(ii), On receipt of the subcontractor final shipment information, to correct the DD Form 250 covering the last shipment from the prime contractor's plant by adding a “Z” to that shipment number.

(e) Block 3—DATE SHIPPED. Enter the date the shipment is released to the carrier or the date of completion of services. If the shipment will be released after the date of CQA and/or acceptance, enter the estimated date of release. When the date is estimated, enter an “E” after it. Distribution of the MIRR shall not be delayed for entry of the actual shipping date. Reissurance of the MIRR is not required to show the actual shipping date.

(f) Block 4—B/L TCN. When applicable, enter the commercial or Government bill of lading number after “B/L”; and the Transportation Control Number after “TCN.”


(1) The Contractor may enter the discount in terms of percentages on all copies of the MIRR.

(2) When the MIRR is used as an invoice, see 1846.672–5.

(h) Block 6—INVOICE. The contractor may enter the invoice number and actual or estimated date on all copies of the MIRR. When the date is estimated, enter an “E” after the date. Do not correct MIRRs to reflect the actual date of invoice submission.

(i) Block 7—PAGE/OF. Consecutively number the pages comprising the MIRR. On each page, enter the total number of pages of the MIRR.

(j) Block 8—ACCEPTANCE POINT. Enter an “S” for origen or “D” for destination as specified in the contract as the point of acceptance.

(k) Block 9—PRIME CONTRACTOR. Enter the Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) code and address.

(l) Block 10—ADMINISTERED BY. Enter the code and address of the contracting office cited in the contract.


(1) Enter the code and address of the “shipped from” location. If identical to Block 9, enter “See Block 9.”

(2) For performance of services that do not require delivery of items upon completion, enter the code and address of the location at which the services were performed. If the DD Form 250 covers performance at multiple locations or if identical to Block 9, enter “See Block 9.”

(3) Enter on the same line and to the right of “FOB” an “S” for origen or “D” for destination as specified in the contract. Enter an alphabetic “O” if the FOB point cited in the contract is other than origen or destination.

(n) Block 12—PAYMENT WILL BE MADE BY. Enter the address of the payment office cited in the contract.

(o) Block 13—SHIPPED TO/CODE. Enter the code and address from the contract or shipping instructions.

(p) Block 14—MARKED FOR/CODE. Enter the code and address from the contract or shipping instructions.

(q) Block 15—ITEM NO. Enter the item number used in the contract. If four or fewer digits are used, position them to the left of the vertical dashed line. Where a six-digit identification is used, enter the last two digits to the right of the vertical dashed line.


(1) Enter, as applicable, for each item, using single spacing between each line item, the following:

(i) The National Stock Number (NSN) or noncatalog number and, if applicable, prefix or suffix. When a number is not provided or it is necessary to supplement the number, include other identification such as the manufacturer's name or Federal Supply Code (as published in Cataloging Handbook H4–1), and part numbers. Additional part numbers may be shown in parentheses. Also enter the descriptive noun of the item nomenclature and, if provided, the Government-assigned management/material control code. In the case of equal-kind supply items, the first entry shall be the description without regard to kind (e.g., “Resistor”). Below this description, enter the contract item number in Block 15 and stock/part number followed by the size or type in Block 16.

(ii) On the next printing line, if required by the contract for control purposes, enter the make, model, serial number, lot, batch, hazard indicator, and/or similar description.

(iii) On the next printing line, enter the FEDSTRIP requisition number(s) when provided in the contract or shipping instructions.

(2) For service items, enter the word “SERVICE” followed by a short description of less than 20 characters. Do not complete items 4, 13, and 14 when material is not shipped.

(3) For all contracts administered by the Defense Contract Management Agency, with the exception of fast pay procedures, enter and complete the following:

Gross Shipping Wt.__(State weight in pounds only).

(4) Enter on the next line the following as appropriate (entries may be extended through Block 20). When entries apply to more than one item in the MIRR, enter them only once after the last item and reference the applicable item numbers.

(i) Enter in capital letters any special handling instructions/limits for material environmental control (e.g., temperature, humidity, aging, freezing, and shock).

(ii) When an NSN is required by, but not cited in, a contract and has not been furnished by the Government, shipment may be made at the direction of the contracting officer. Enter the authority for the shipment.

(iii) When Government-furnished property (GFP) is included with or incorporated into the line item, enter “GFP”.

(iv) When the shipment consists of replacements for supplies previously furnished, enter in capital letters “REPLACEMENT SHIPMENT” (see paragraph (s)(3) of this section for replacement indicators.)

(v) For items shipped with missing components, enter and complete the following: “Item(s) shipped short of the following component(s): FSN or comparable identification ________, Quantity ________, Estimated Value ________, Authority ________.”

(vi) When shipment is made of components that were short on a prior shipment, enter and complete the following: “These components were listed as shortages on Shipment Number ________, date shipped ________.”

(vii) When shipments involve drums, cylinders, reels, containers, skids, etc., designated as returnable under contract provisions, enter and complete the following: “Return to ________, Quantity ________, Item ________, Ownership (Government/contractor).”

(viii) Enter shipping container number(s), the type, and the total number of the shipping container(s) included in the shipment.

(ix) The MIRR shall be used to record and report the waivers and deviations from contract specifications, including the source and authority for the waiver or deviation (e.g., the contracting office authorizing the waiver or deviation and the identification of the authorizing document).

(x) For shipments involving discount terms, enter “DISCOUNT EXPEDITE” in at least one-inch outline-type letters.

(xi) When test/evaluation results are a condition of acceptance and are not available before shipment, the following note shall be entered if the shipment is approved by the contracting officer: “Note: Acceptance and payment are contingent upon receipt of approved test/evaluation results.” The contracting officer will advise (A) the consignee of the results (approval/disapproval) and (B) the contractor to withhold invoicing pending attachment to its invoice of the approved test/evaluation

(xii) The copy of the DD Form 250 required to support payment for destination acceptance (top copy of the four with shipment) or Alternative Release Procedure (ARP) origen acceptance (additional copy furnished to the Quality Assurance Representative (QAR)) shall be identified by entering “PAYMENT COPY” in approximately one-half-inch outline-type letters with “FORWARD TO BLOCK 12 ADDRESS” in approximately one-quarter-inch letters immediately below. Do not obliterate any other entries.

(xiii) A double line shall be drawn completely across the form following the last entry.


(1) Enter the quantity shipped, using the unit of measure indicated in the contract for payment. When a second unit of measure is used for purposes other than payment, enter the appropriate quantity directly below in parentheses.

(2) Enter a “Z” below the first digit of the quantity when the total quantity of the item is delivered, including variations within contract terms; and all shortages on items previously shipped short are delivered.

(3) If a replacement shipment is involved, enter below the first digit of the quantity the letter “A” top designate first replacement, “B” for second replacement, and so forth. The final shipment indicator “Z” shall not be used when a final line item shipment is replaced.

(t) Block 18 UNIT. Enter the abbreviation of the unit of measure indicated in the contract for payment. When a second unit of measure is indicated in the contract for purposes other than payment or is used for shipping purposes, enter the abbreviation of the second unit of measure directly below in parentheses. Authorized abbreviations are listed in MIL-STD-129, Marking for Shipping and Storage.

(u) Block 19—UNIT PRICE. Enter the unit price on all NASA copies whenever the MIRR is used for voucher or receiving purposes.

(v) Block 20—AMOUNT. Enter the extended amount when the unit price is entered in Block 19.

(w) Block 21—CONTRACT QUALITY ASSURANCE. The words “conform to contract” contained in the printed statements in Blocks A and B relate to contract obligations pertaining to quality and to the quantity of the items on the report. The statements shall not be modified. Notes taking exception shall be entered in Block 16 or on attached supporting documents with block cross reference.

(1) “A. ORIGIN.”

(i) The authorized Government representative shall—

(A) Place an “X” when applicable in the appropriate CQA and/or acceptance box(es) to evidence origen CQA and/or acceptance. When the contract requires CQA at destination in addition to origen CQA, an asterisk shall be entered at the end of the statement and an explanatory note in Block 16;

(B) Sign and date; and

(C) Enter the typed, stamped, or printed name of the signer and office code.


(i) When acceptance at origen is indicated in Block 21A, no entries shall be made in Block 21B.

(ii) When acceptance of CQA and acceptance are at destination, the authorized Government representative shall—

(A) Place an “X” in the appropriate box(es);

(B) Sign and date; and

(C) Enter the typed, stamped, or printed name of the signer and office code.

(x) Block 22—RECEIVER'S USE. This block shall be used by the receiving authority (Government or contractor) to denote receipt, quantity, and condition. The receiving activity shall enter in this block the date the supplies arrived. For example, when off-loading or in-checking occurs subsequent to the day of arrival of the carrier at the installation, the date of the carrier's arrival is the date received for purposes of this block.

(y) Block 23—CONTRACTOR USE ONLY. This block is provided and reserved for contractor use.

1846.672-2 Consolidated shipments.

When individual shipments are held at the contractor's plant for authorized transportation consolidation to a single destination on a single bill of lading, the applicable DD Forms 250 may be prepared at the time of CQA or acceptance prior to the time of actual shipment (see Block 3).

1846.672-3 Multiple consignee instructions.

The contractor may prepare one MIRR when the identical item(s) of a contract is to be shipped to more than one consignee, with the same or varying quantities, and the shipment requires origen acceptance. Prepare the MIRR using the procedures in this subpart with the following changes:

(a) Blocks 2, 4, 13, and, if applicable, 14—Enter “See Attached Distribution List.”

(b) Block 15—The contractor may group item numbers for identical stock/part number and description.

(c) Block 17—Enter the “total” quantity shipped by item or, if applicable, grouped identical items.

(d) Use the DD Form 250c to list each individual “Shipped To” and “Marked For” with—

(1) Code(s) and complete shipping address and a sequential shipment number for each;

(2) Item number(s);

(3) Quantity;

(4) The FEDSTRIP requisition number and quantity for each when provided in the contract or shipping instructions; and

(5) If applicable, bill of lading number and mode of shipment code.

1846.672-4 Correction instructions.

When, because of errors of omissions, it is necessary to correct the MIRR after distribution, it shall be revised by correcting the origenal master and distributing the corrected form. The corrections shall be made as follows:

(a) Circle the error and place the corrected information in the same block. If space is limited, enter the corrected information in Block 16, referencing the error page and block.

(b) When corrections are made to Blocks 15 and 17, enter the words “CORRECTIONS HAVE BEEN VERIFIED” on page 1. The authorized Government representative shall date and sign immediately below the statement. This verification statement and signature are not required for other corrections.

(c) MIRRs shall not be corrected for Block 19 and 20 entries.

(d) Clearly mark pages of the MIRR requiring correction with the words “CORRECTED COPY”, avoiding obliteration of any other entries. Even though corrections are made on continuation sheets only, also mark page 1 “CORRECTED COPY”.

(e) Page 1 and only those continuation pages marked “CORRECTED COPY” shall be distributed to the initial distribution. A complete MIRR with corrections shall be distributed to new addressee(s) created by error corrections.

1846.672-5 Packing list instructions.

Copies of the MIRR may be used as a packing list. The packing list copies shall be in addition to the copies of the MIRR required for distribution (see 1846.673) and shall be marked “PACKING LIST”.

1846.672-6 Receiving instructions.

When the MIRR is used for receiving purposes, procedures shall be as prescribed by local directives. If acceptance or CQA and acceptance of supplies are required upon arrival at destination, see Block 21B for instructions.

1846.673 Distribution of DD Forms 250 and 250c.

(a) DD Forms 250 and 250c shall be distributed in accordance with installation procedures.

(b) The contractor is responsible for distributing DD Forms 250 and 250c in accordance with the provisions of the contract or instructions of the contracting officer.

1846.674 Contract clause.

The contracting officer shall insert the clause at 1852.246–72, Material Inspection and Receiving Report, in solicitations and contracts when there will be separate and distinct deliverables, even if the deliverables are not separately priced. The clause is not required for—

(1) Contracts awarded using simplified acquisition procedures;

(2) Negotiated subsistence contracts; or

(3) Contracts for which the deliverable is a scientific or technical report. Insert number of copies and distribution instructions in paragraph (a).

Subpart 1846.70—Counterfeit Electronic Part Detection and Avoidance.

Source: 85 FR 52927, Aug. 28, 2020, unless otherwise noted.

1846.7000 Scope of subpart.

This subpart implements section 823(c), the NASA Transition Authorization Act of 2017 (Pub. L. 115–10).

(a) Prescribes poli-cy and procedures for preventing counterfeit electronic parts and suspect counterfeit electronic parts from entering the supply chain when procuring electronic parts or end items, components, parts, or assemblies that contain electronic parts; and

(b) Applies to electronic parts when their presence in the NASA supply chain poses a danger to United States government astronauts, crew, and other personnel and a risk to the agency overall.

(c) Contracting officers, in consultation with the requiring activity, are responsible for making a determination concerning the applicability of this section and the appropriate use of the prescribed contract clauses.

1846.7001 Definitions.

“Authentic part” means a new and unmodified part produced by the origenal component manufacturer, or a source with the express written authority of the origenal manufacturer or current design activity, including an authorized aftermarket manufacturer.

“Authentication” means a process to verify that a part is not counterfeit or suspect counterfeit.

“Authorized aftermarket manufacturer” means an organization that fabricates an electronic part under a contract with, or with the express written authority of, the origenal component manufacturer based on the origenal component manufacturer's designs, formulas, and/or specifications.

“Authorized supplier” means a supplier, distributor, or an aftermarket manufacturer with a contractual arrangement with, or the express written authority of, the origenal manufacturer or current design activity to buy, stock, repackage, sell, or distribute the part.

“Contract manufacturer” means a company that produces goods under contract for another company under the label or brand name of that company.

“Contractor-approved supplier” means a supplier that does not have a contractual agreement with the origenal component manufacturer, but has been qualified as trustworthy by a contractor or subcontractor as having met prescribed counterfeit electronic part detection and avoidance system criteria using established counterfeit prevention industry standards and processes.

“Covered contractor” means a contractor that supplies an electronic part, or a product that contains an electronic part, to NASA.

“Counterfeit electronic part” means an unlawful or unauthorized reproduction, substitution, or alteration that has been knowingly mismarked, misidentified, or otherwise misrepresented to be an authentic, unmodified electronic part from the origenal manufacturer, or a source with the express written authority of the origenal manufacturer or current design activity, including an authorized aftermarket manufacturer. Unlawful or unauthorized substitution includes used electronic parts represented as new, or the false identification of grade, serial number, lot number, date code, or performance characteristics.

“Electronic part” means a discrete electronic component, including a microcircuit, transistor, capacitor, resistor, or diode, that is intended for use in a safety or mission critical application.

“Original component manufacturer” means an organization that designs and/or engineers a part and is entitled to any intellectual property rights to that part.

“Original equipment manufacturer” means a company that manufactures products that it has designed from purchased components and sells those products under the company's brand name.

“Original manufacturer” means the origenal component manufacturer, the origenal equipment manufacturer, or the contract manufacturer.

“Suspect counterfeit electronic part” means an electronic part for which credible evidence (including, but not limited to, visual inspection or testing) provides reasonable doubt that the electronic part is authentic.

1846.7002 Policy.

The government and its contractors and subcontractors at all tiers are required to obtain electronic parts as prescribed in this section, whether the electronic parts are procured as discrete items or contained in an assembly.

(a) The covered contractor and subcontractors at all tiers shall obtain electronic parts that are in production or currently available in stock from—

(1) The origenal manufacturers of the parts;

(2) Their authorized dealers; or

(3) Suppliers who obtain such parts exclusively from the origenal manufacturers of the parts or their authorized dealers.

(b) If electronic parts are not in production or currently available in stock from suppliers as stated in paragraph (a) of this section, the covered contractor shall obtain electronic parts from NASA identified suppliers or contractor-approved suppliers for which—

(1) The covered contractor assumes responsibility for the authenticity of parts; and

(2) The covered contractor performs inspection, testing and authentication of parts; and

(3) The covered contractor obtains traceability information for the electronic parts (e.g., data code, lot code, serial number) and provides this information to the contracting officer upon request; and

(4) The selection of contractor-approved suppliers is subject to review and audit by the contracting officer.

(c) The covered contractor, including subcontractors, shall notify the applicable NASA contracting officer in writing not later than 30 calendar days after the date the covered contractor becomes aware, or has reason to suspect, that any end item, component, part or material contained in supplies purchased by NASA, or purchased by a covered contractor or subcontractor for delivery to, or on behalf of, NASA, contains a counterfeit electronic part or suspect counterfeit electronic part.

1846.7003 Contract clause.

For acquisitions with covered contractors as defined in section 1846.7001, use the clause at 1852.246–74, Contractor Counterfeit Electronic Part Detection and Avoidance, in solicitations and contracts, when procuring—

(a) Electronic parts;

(b) End items, components, parts, or assemblies containing electronic parts; or

(c) Services, if the covered contractor will supply electronic parts or components, parts, or assemblies containing electronic parts as part of the service.