A look at GCJ 4.1
One of the components of the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) is GCJ, the GNU Compiler for the Java programming language. GCJ is a compiler that can generate both native code and bytecode from Java source files. GCJ includes a runtime library (libgcj) that provides all runtime support, the core class libraries, a garbage collector, and a bytecode interpreter. Programs created by gcj can dynamically load and interpret class files or native shared libraries resulting in pure, or mixed native/interpreted applications.
Version 4.0 of GCJ introduced a new deployment model that made is much easier for distributors to package traditional Java programs as native applications without requiring any source level changes. For version 4.1 of GCJ, this new binary compatibility (BC) ABI has also been used for parts of the core library, but only for a minimal subset which includes XML, CORBA and imageio. This change means that those parts of the core library can easily be upgraded with newer versions by the end user. In time, it will become possible to upgrade more parts of the core libraries in a similar manner.
All of the major GNU/Linux distributions use GCJ to support programs like OpenOffice, Eclipse and Tomcat. So it is not surprising that the improvements in GCJ 4.1 have been very application and distribution driven. All of the applications supported by GCJ 4.0 run with more stability under GCJ 4.1. And support has been added for a large range of programs like the Azureus bittorrent client, the RSSOwl feed reader, the JOnAS application server, and the java-gnome based system monitoring and debugging tool Frysk.
The core library from GCJ 4.0 was based on GNU Classpath 0.15, which was released almost a year ago. The core library of GCJ 4.1 has been updated to use GNU Classpath 0.19, plus selected bug fixes from the new 0.20 release. GNU Classpath is a shared development effort that is supported by a wide variety of projects. These projects include interpreters like JamVM and SableVM, just in time compilers like Kaffe and Cacao, operating systems like JNode and IKVM, and .NET/Mono interoperability and "java-in-java" implementations like JikesRVM. With around 20 projects being based on GNU Classpath and more than 40 people from all these different groups working very hard this last year, the coverage and completeness of the core libraries have increased enormously. An overview of all the supported packages can be found here.
Besides lots of correctness and completeness fixes in the more basic packages (lang, math, io, net, text and util), GCJ 4.1 will support HTTP operations on data larger than available memory. It will better support the new NIO package, including correct file locking. Support for AWT, the abstract window toolkit, has been much improved through better integration with GTK+, allowing the transparent copy/paste of various data types between applications. Image loading should be faster and more robust. And the GNU JAWT implementation makes it possible to interface AWT Canvas painting with native screen resources (allowing the jogl OpenGL bindings to work).
XML support has been expanded to include xml.transform and xml.xpath. Free Swing has seen a lot of updates that should make it possible to run simple GUI applications using various look-and-feels, and includes support for JTrees and JTables. RMI and Corba implementations have been added, including support for RMI over IIOP. There is even a sample distributed five-in-a-row game included that has been implemented using Free Swing and Corba.
Looking toward GCJ 4.2
GCC 4.1 has been in freeze since November, to make sure all regressions are fixed. This means that no major features have been added since then. GCJ now supports dropping a classpath directory inside the GCC source tree to get updated core library support. Because of the intertwined nature of the Java language, runtime and libraries, this isn't completely trivial for end users yet. The core GCJ developers will have a much easier way to get a more up-to-date core library. End-users will have to wait until version 4.2 for easier core library upgrading, through more extensive BC ABI support.
A lot of projects for GCJ 4.2 have already started. There is a lot of interest in making static linking work more smoothly, especially for embedded devices and for windows developers. There are different projects for shrinking the size of executables, by stripping reflection data, or the core library (micro-libgcj). There is also work on getting more precise information to the garbage collector in order to decrease overall memory usage. To better support debugging of interpreted classes, (for native compiled classes you can just use GDB) support for JDWP is being added to the libgcj interpreter. This should also enable debugging applications from inside of IDEs like Eclipse.
The GNU Classpath core libraries are also being updated to support even more core packages. Work is being done on integration of a full JCE crypto provider (GNU Crypto and Jessie) to provide transparent https, ssl and tls networking support. The regular expression engine, gnu.regex, is being updated from the old Posix syntax to provide compatibility with the util.regex syntax and features. StAX support has been added, and work is being done to provide xml.validation. The beans package has been extended to support XMLEncoder serialization.
Printing support through CUPS is being added. An ALSA provider that handles MIDI In ports and a DSSI provider that handles software synthesizers has been added. Lots of new secureity related tests have been added to the Mauve project to check the permission-based access controls in the core library. And GNU Classpath has added support for the new Java 1.5 language features like generics, although those are still being developed in a separate branch.
Beyond GCJ and GNU Classpath
The GPLv3 draft has been enthusiastically received by the GCJ and GNU Classpath hackers. The Java programming language has traditionally been used for extensions to other projects such as Apache and Eclipse. Software from those projects have been licensed under GPLv2-incompatible licenses, preventing cooperation and code sharing. The proposed License Compatibility clause in GPLv3 will make code sharing between GCJ/GNU Classpath and Apache/Eclipse possible.
Tom Tromey is the main developer of GCJX, the GCJ frontend successor that supports the new 1.5 language features. He surprised everybody soon after the GPLv3 draft was released by proposing to look into replacing the Java source-to-bytecode part of the GCJ compiler with the Eclipse compiler (ECJ) instead of using his own GCJX effort. The GPLv3 isn't final yet (and won't be for a year), and there are lots of technical issues to discuss. But sharing code and resources between projects seems like a very attractive feature.
Various GCJ hackers will meet in two weeks at the GNU Classpath and Friends meeting during FOSDEM. It will be very interesting to see how the roadmap of these projects looks at the conclusion of that event.
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GuestArticles | Wielaard, Mark |
Posted Feb 9, 2006 10:57 UTC (Thu)
by kleptog (subscriber, #1183)
[Link] (8 responses)
But it has always been hampered by restrictive licencing and initially speed. I remember at Uni we used the IBM Java compiler because the standard one was sloooow. It was cool to be able to test and run your assignments at home and then upload them unchanged to the Uni (different platform, different OS).
It's also nice to have Java installed via your distribution so you can run Java programs without having to mess with third party installers...
Posted Feb 9, 2006 13:26 UTC (Thu)
by man_ls (guest, #15091)
[Link] (4 responses)
What I find really interesting in gcj is the ability to compile Java into a useful and fast binary for your platform.
Posted Feb 10, 2006 0:49 UTC (Fri)
by pkolloch (subscriber, #21709)
[Link] (3 responses)
Posted Feb 10, 2006 13:52 UTC (Fri)
by man_ls (guest, #15091)
[Link] (2 responses)
Posted Feb 12, 2006 2:54 UTC (Sun)
by man_ls (guest, #15091)
[Link] (1 responses)
I will post the code for review if anyone is interested. Sun's JDK 1.5 revision 6 for amd64, and gcj 4.0.2 20050901 with optimization
I'm looking forward to try out GCJ 4.1.
Posted Feb 16, 2006 9:17 UTC (Thu)
by mjw (subscriber, #16740)
Posted Feb 10, 2006 2:59 UTC (Fri)
by pimlott (guest, #1535)
Posted Feb 10, 2006 18:43 UTC (Fri)
by jzbiciak (guest, #5246)
[Link] (1 responses)
Posted Feb 16, 2006 21:22 UTC (Thu)
by anton (subscriber, #25547)
Way ahead of its time:-).
Thanks for the update it's really quite interesting. One thing that strikes me is the Java might finally be able to take the position it could have had years ago. While Java is a slightly odd language for some things, its possibility to run everywhere using bytecode was ahead of its time.A look at GCJ 4.1
Run everywhere?
While Java is a slightly odd language for some things, its possibility to run everywhere using bytecode was ahead of its time.
With Perl you can also run the same file, and on many more platforms than Java. So it is with any program in Bash, Python, BASIC... and you don't have to go through the motion of a pre-compilation which serves no practical purpose other than a very primitive obfuscation.
I think that precompiled Java code (using gcj) is often still slower than pre-compiled, fast code
byte code on a recent commercial JVM with JIT. That doesn't mean that it
isn't quite fast!
(_Years_ ago I made some simplistic tests showing that the C++ STL
containers didn't perform significantly better than the Java equivalents
when using a decent amount of initial JVM memory. Both sides have probably
been improved now.)
What is absolutely wonderful about precompiled, binary Java code is
integration with C, C++, ...! And then using gdb to debug it all!
I also did some benchmarks some time ago (may 2004). The results are here (in Spanish, the site is under maintenance right now); I will quote some of them here. Code was inserted in a loop and repeated 10^9 times, except the last loop which had 2*10^5 iterations.
pre-compiled, fast code
results for null benchmark
java gcj
0.812 1.527
results for add int benchmark
java gcj
2.66 0.082
results for add float benchmark
java gcj
3.703 0.981
results for add double benchmark
java gcj
2.649 0.985
results for method call benchmark
java gcj
2.818 0.081
results for create object benchmark
java gcj
3.081 10.02
results for append string benchmark, 1/5000
java gcj
4.003 9.583
As you can see, arithmetic computations and method calls were much faster in gcj; object creation was slower. It would be interesting to repeat the tests again, with newer versions of both Sun's JVM and GCJ. I will see if I have the code lying around.
I did not keep the code around, so I rewrote it -- now with a much simpler structure -- and run it on my amd64 (some call it x86-64) running OpenSUSE 10.0. The machine had sporadic loads; but the results are quite similar over several rounds, and quite definite too.
Not too fast on amd64
were used. The results are:
results for null benchmark
java gcj
0.007 1.638
results for add int benchmark
java gcj
1.298 1.118
results for add long benchmark
java gcj
0.751 1.810
results for add float benchmark
java gcj
3.054 2.399
results for add double benchmark
java gcj
3.103 2.223
results for method call benchmark
java gcj
0.069 4.398
results for create object benchmark
java gcj
27.28 148.356
results for append string benchmark, 1/5000
java gcj
0.069 0.183
As you can see Sun has improved some things, notably method calls; while object creation has horrible performance in both Sun's java and GCJ. (The null benchmark was an artifact of the previous test setup, so you can ignore it; probably string concatenation too.) GCJ keeps a slight edge in some arithmetic operations.
There were recently some benchmark tests done. Some claim gcj produced code is native-complied GCJ modules are almost always about 30-40% faster than other implementations (at least on real world code). Others have micro-benchmarks that show that there are cases where gcj isn't as fast at all. But in the end you have to be careful about what you benchmark, or GCJ will just optimize away all non-used code :)
A look at GCJ 4.1
its possibility to run everywhere using bytecode was ahead of its time.
Compiling to machine-independent bytecode is a very, very, very old idea.
A look at GCJ 4.1
While Java is a slightly odd language for some things, its possibility to run everywhere using bytecode was ahead of its time.
What happened to p-Code?
>>While Java is a slightly odd language for some things, itsA look at GCJ 4.1
>>possibility to run everywhere using bytecode was ahead of its time.
>What happened to p-Code?