Posted Aug 15, 2016 2:52 UTC (Mon) by ncm (guest, #165)In reply to: Weird by neilbrown
Parent article: Better types in C using sparse and smatch
Learning Rust would certainly slow you down, for a while. Rust is mostly an opportunity for the next generation of serious programmers, and those who will teach them. But before you know it, the most interesting programs will be coded in Rust, and you will need to know it to read them.
Posted Aug 18, 2016 12:07 UTC (Thu)
by tuna (guest, #44480)
Posted Aug 18, 2016 16:26 UTC (Thu)
by Wol (subscriber, #4433)
[Link] (1 responses)
Why then, looking at lilypond and libreoffice C++ code, do I think "what the hell is going on here", yet when I looked at the (C) code for mdadm, I felt at home straight away?
Or, trying to write my pet project in C++, I'm left wondering how on earth I interact with the hardware to the extent that I actually know what is going on at the hardware level?
Posted Aug 18, 2016 16:37 UTC (Thu)
by andresfreund (subscriber, #69562)
Huh? There's no difference between C and C++ on that end of things.