Systemd programming, 30 months later
Systemd programming, 30 months later
Posted Sep 27, 2016 22:17 UTC (Tue) by Jonno (subscriber, #49613)Parent article: Systemd programming, 30 months later
If anything, the generator should *add* a dependency on rpcbind when NFSv[23] is used. Then you make sure rpcbind isn't enabled by default, and users should only see rpcbind start if it actually is needed.
Systemd programming, 30 months later
Posted Sep 30, 2016 8:30 UTC (Fri)
by neilbrown (subscriber, #359)
[Link] (1 responses)
Posted Sep 30, 2016 8:30 UTC (Fri) by neilbrown (subscriber, #359) [Link] (1 responses)
That is certainly a possibility. It would reverse the default though, which might surprise people.
NFSv4 can make (limited) use of rpcbind if it is running. The server will register with it, and 'rpcinfo' can be used to check if the server is running. Some people expect that to work so I think it should continue to work in the default case.
It would be possible to use presets to then "enable" rpcbind by default, and then "systemctl disable" could be used disable it whenever it is not explicitly required by a service.
So that might be another reasonable option... I'm just not really comfortable with presets yet :-)
Systemd programming, 30 months later
Posted Sep 30, 2016 14:12 UTC (Fri)
by matthias (subscriber, #94967)
Posted Sep 30, 2016 14:12 UTC (Fri) by matthias (subscriber, #94967) [Link]
> That is certainly a possibility. It would reverse the default though, which might surprise people.
It would only reverse the default if the wants dependency is dropped. Keeping the wants dependency and adding an additional required dependency when NFSv[23] is used would keep the default.
It seems natural to me to declare this dependency, such that systemd can verify it. Even if it is just to catch configuration errors like a missing, masked, or otherwise dysfunctional rpcbind when NFSv[23] is in use. There is a reason, why systemd distinguishes both types of dependencies. If it is possible to declare the right type of dependency, I think this should be done. For NFSv[23] this is required, for NFSv4 one can argue whether the wants dependency should be there or not.