Systemd programming, 30 months later
Systemd programming, 30 months later
Posted Sep 28, 2016 21:18 UTC (Wed) by rahvin (guest, #16953)In reply to: Systemd programming, 30 months later by bandrami
Parent article: Systemd programming, 30 months later
Your forgot the 20 lines of sleep commands to make sure the daemon has time to load, the 50 lines of code to verify the daemon didn't crash and the mount is up before the second mount command runs. Then the 50 lines of code to handle restarting and shutting down these in the reverse order, etc.
As he said, you replace the sysv init script with your own custom script. And then you reinvent the wheel every single time. Some of us would prefer not to do that. I like that this upstream service file takes care of all but the freakiest edge case. 99/100 I won't even need to touch these system files now.