Trying to get STACKLEAK into the kernel
Trying to get STACKLEAK into the kernel
Posted Sep 14, 2018 17:29 UTC (Fri) by hkario (subscriber, #94864)In reply to: Trying to get STACKLEAK into the kernel by GennaroReinger
Parent article: Trying to get STACKLEAK into the kernel
you could look at it the other way, as Linus degrading himself and putting the person "attacked" as the King Arthur while himself as the french buffoon that won't let the king to enter for entirely petty reasons
Trying to get STACKLEAK into the kernel
Posted Sep 15, 2018 15:14 UTC (Sat)
by nilsmeyer (guest, #122604)
Posted Sep 15, 2018 15:14 UTC (Sat) by nilsmeyer (guest, #122604) [Link]
Thus offending the French ;)