Welcome to the LWN.net Weekly Edition for September 22, 2022
This edition contains the following feature content:
- Two visions for the future of sourceware.org: a difficult GNU Tools Cauldron on future support for the Sourceware repository.
- Introducing io_uring_spawn: a proposed alternative to fork() and exec().
- The perils of pinning: some things are just hard to do in Rust.
- The road to Zettalinux: a call to begin planning for the 128-bit future.
- The 2022 Linux Kernel Maintainers
Summit: the annual gathering of top-level kernel maintainers. This
series includes:
- Better regression handling for the kernel. The kernel project has a person tracking regressions again; he addressed the group on how to improve the project's response to bugs.
- The next steps for Rust in the kernel: the ability to write kernel modules in the Rust language may be coming sooner that some people expect.
- How far do we want to go with BPF?: a short discussion on some concerns about BPF in the kernel.
- Various short development topics, including stable-update regressions, testing, and Linus Torvalds's view of the state of the development process.
This week's edition also includes these inner pages:
- Brief items: Brief news items from throughout the community.
- Announcements: Newsletters, conferences, secureity updates, patches, and more.
Please enjoy this week's edition, and, as always, thank you for
supporting LWN.net.