Scope-based resource management for the kernel
Scope-based resource management for the kernel
Posted Jun 22, 2023 19:35 UTC (Thu) by make (subscriber, #62794)In reply to: Scope-based resource management for the kernel by mb
Parent article: Scope-based resource management for the kernel
No, I don't agree. Virtual functions don't affect the code flow; they are just syntactic sugar for dynamic dispatch, but the code flow is the same as with other ways of doing dynamic dispatch (no matter if C++, C or Rust). But, uh, we're now even more off-topic, you're dragging me away from the topic (=RAII) so much, that I'm confident you're just a troll, and I've already been feeding you too much, shame on me. That was unexpected on LWN.
Posted Jun 22, 2023 19:41 UTC (Thu)
by mb (subscriber, #50428)
No it isn't.
Scope-based resource management for the kernel