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Allen, M.J. (2010a) ‘Pebblebeds Devon (TB09); geoarchaeology and palaeo-environment 1’. Unpublished AEA report 87.01.01 revised 17 May 2010.
Allen, M.J. (2010b) ‘Pebblebeds Devon (TB09), Tor Cairn – geoarchaeology and palaeo-environment 2’. Unpublished AEA report 87.02.03 revised 28 December 2010. [Appendices 4–7]
Banerjea, R.Y. (2012) ‘Pebblebeds Project, Aylesbeare, Devon: micromorphology analysis’. Unpublished report, Quaternary Scientific (QUEST) 031/11 dated February 2012. [Appendix 14]
Batchelor, C.R. (2010) ‘Jacob’s Well, Woodbury Common, Devon: pollen analysis report’. Unpublished report, Quaternary Scientific (QUEST) 099/10 dated November 2010. [Appendix 12]
Batchelor, C.R. (2012) ‘Longo Bottom: pollen analysis report’. Unpublished report, Quaternary Scientific (QUEST) 031/11 dated June 2012. [Appendix 16]
Challinor, D. (2010a) ‘Aylesbeare horned platform, wood charcoal’. Unpublished report dated November 2010.
Challinor, D. (2010b) ‘Charcoal identifications (Tor Cairn)’. [Appendix 2]
Challinor, D. (2011a) ‘Little Tor Cairn (LTC10), wood charcoal’. Unpublished report dated January 2011. [Appendix 8]
Challinor, D. (2011b) ‘Jacobs Well (JW10), wood charcoal’. Unpublished report dated March 2011. [Appendix 13]
Challinor, D. (2011c) ‘Bog Barrow (ABB10 wood Charcoal). Bog Barrow (ABB10). January 2011’. [Appendix 15]
Challinor, D. (2011d) ‘TCA Charcoal from pebble cairn’. [Appendix 9]
Challinor, D. (n.d.) ‘Charcoal identifications (Colaton Raleigh enclosure Cairn)’, in Tilley, C., Pauknerová, K. and Roberts, M., ‘Excavation of an enclosure adjacent to Colaton Raleigh Common, East Devon’.
Lisá, L. (2013) ‘Report on micromorphological analyses from Twin Barrow A from Pebblebeds Research of Prof. Tilley (UK)’. Unpublished report, Institute of Geology AS CR v.v.i., Prague, dated April 2013. [Appendix 11]
Macphail, R.I. (2010) ‘Soil micromorphology (Tor Cairn)’, in Allen, M.J., ‘Pebblebeds Devon (TB09): Tor Barrow – geoarchaeology and palaeo-environment 2’. Unpublished AEA report 87.02.03, revised 28 December 2010. [Appendix 5]
Pokorný, P. (n.d. a) ‘Results of pollen (and other microfossils) analyses (Tor Cairn context 22)’. [Appendix 4]
Pokorný, P. (n.d. b) ‘Results of pollen (and other microfossils) analyses – sample TCA – central section sample 42’. [Appendix 10]
Scaife, R.G. (2010) ‘Pollen analysis of the sub-cairn buried soil (Tor Cairn)’, in Allen, M.J., ‘Pebblebeds Devon (TB09): Tor Barrow – geoarchaeology and palaeo-environment 2’. Unpublished AEA report 87.02.03, revised 28 December 2010. [Appendix 6]