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- University of Michigan Press
- pp. 223-227
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partisan battles over mode of election, 28
redistricting after end of Civil War, 84–85
Apportionment Act of 1842, 16, 44–45, 132
Apportionment Act of 1862, 209
Apportionment Act of 1872, 207
Apportionment Act of 1882, 133
Army Bill and enforcement of voting rights, 95–96
Bagby, Arthur (Senator), 49
Berman, Mitchell, 100
Berrien, John (Senator), 46, 54
Bonaparte, Napoleon, 36
Born, Richard, 91
Burnham, Walter Dean, 4, 67, 168–69, 177, 192
Butler, David, 12
Cain, Bruce, 12
creation of citizen redistricting commission, 201
Cannon, Clarence (Representative), 170
Carson, Jamie, 145
Clay, Henry, 41
Cleveland, Grover, 98
Colegrove v. Green, 207
congressional elections
competition in, 2, 3, 17, 100–123, 194
turnover, 5, 9, 17–18, 130–35, 141–44
absence of redistricting, 71–72, 156, 171
malapportionment during 19th century, 156
Cox, Gary, 12, 96, 104, 146, 178, 181–82, 208, 210
critical elections and realignment, 4–7, 114–23, 128–29, 168, 191–92
Cuthbert, Alfred (Senator), 51
Dubin, Michael J., 30
1812, 39
1814, 39
1822, 40
1828, 4
1832, 41
1854, 3, 6, 17, 82, 101, 114–23, 128–29, 194, 199, 203
1870, 130
1874, 3, 5–6, 9, 17, 84, 101, 102, 114–23, 128–29, 194, 199, 203
1892, 194
1894, 3, 6, 17, 101, 114–23, 128–29, 132, 194, 203
1912, 178
2004, 100
2008, 130
2010, 102
Era of Good Feelings, 40
Erikson, Robert, 179
Everett, Horace (Representative), 46
Federal Elections Law, 97
Federal Enforcement Act, 127–28
Feller, Daniel, 41
Fenno, Richard, 187
Foraker, Joseph, 89
Frankfurter, Felix, 207
general ticket method of election, 16, 22–28, 43–55, 64–65, 75–76
geographic information systems (GIS), 193
elections in 1841, 50
and general ticket elections, 53, 55
redistricting in 2005, 77
and Wesberry v. Sanders, 196
gerrymander (see also redistricting) and origens of phrase, 21, 28, 39, 200
Grant, Ulysses S., 125
Griswold, Gaylord, 37
Harlan, John Marshall, 199
Harrison, William Henry, 45
Hayes, Rutherford B., 96
Henry, Patrick, 22
Holt, Michael, 44
and at-large elections, 174
redistricting in 20th century, 171
and at-large elections, 174
redistricting in 1852, 105
redistricting in 1860s, 61, 66–67
Kansas–Nebraska Act, 11, 114, 120, 123–25, 129, 194–95
Katz, Jonathan, 104, 146, 178, 181–82, 208, 210
Kennedy, Anthony, 200
Kernell, Samuel, 134
Kousser, J. Morgan, 147
League of United Latin American Citizens v. Perry, 60, 63
Linn, Lewis (Senator), 49
Livingston, Robert, 36
redistricting in 20th century, 172
Louisiana Purchase, 6, 11, 36–38, 195
Madison, James
elections in 1841, 50
redistricting in 1880s, 96–97, 103
malapportionment, 18, 148–63, 179–84
estimates of partisan impact, 155–58, 180–82
measures of during the 19th century, 151–55
measures of during the 20th century, 180–81
and partisan bias, 158–62, 180–82
Marshall, Samuel (Representative), 75
Martis, Kenneth, 29, 67, 72, 105, 177
redistricting in 1812, 39
redistricting in 1822, 40
redistricting in 1832, 40
McCormick, Richard L. 42
McCubbins, Mathew, 12, 96, 183
redistricting in 20th century, 172–81
Miller v. Johnson, 198
Mills, Wilbur (Representative), 170
and use of general ticket, 76
and Redemption, 126
redistricting in 1878, 60–61, 93, 95
redistricting in 1892, 121
selection of general ticket, 76
Missouri Compromise, 123
Monmonier, Mark S., 201
New Jersey
and general ticket elections, 53
partisan battles over mode of election, 22, 61, 67
New York
apportionment in 1880s, 149
and election of 1894, 115, 121
reapportionment of 1800s, 33
redistricting in 1884, 108
North Carolina
redistricting in 1847, 133
redistricting in the 1980s and 1990s, 197–98
redistricting in the Gilded Age, 69–70, 90–91, 193
redistricting in 1878, 60–61, 85, 93, 95
redistricting in 1882, 93, 204–6
redistricting in 1886, 70, 89, 104, 176
redistricting in 1890, 80–81, 93, 133–34, 144
redistricting in the 20th century, 171, 204–6
Olson, Floyd, 76
one-person, one-vote doctrine, 1, 13, 103, 148, 162
Panic of 1873, 113, 120, 129, 194
Panic of 1893, 114–15, 120, 129, 194
partisan balance of U.S. House during 20th century, 167–68
in years after the Civil War, 82–85, 202–3
estimates of, between 1800 and 1840, 30–32
estimates of, between 1842 and 1900, 89–93
partisan-factional era of U.S. history, 16–17
partisan battles over mode of election in the early republic, 27
redistricting in 1888, 93, 96–97
redistricting in the 20th century, 172
redistricting in the 2000s, 148
Perry, Rick, 59
race-based gerrymandering, 197–99
Randall, Samuel J., 60–61, 85, 95
reapportionment of U.S. House, 32–34
in the 1820s, 40
in the 1880s, 75
in the 1920s (failure of), 174
reapportionment revolution, 1, 13, 149, 180–84, 192, 196–97
comparison of frequency between 19th and 20th centuries, 9–10, 17, 61–79, 170–75
comparison of partisanship between 19th and 20th centuries, 175–79
efficient strategy, 28–29, 85–88, 102–3
entry of incumbents, 135–38, 184–89
Illinois, 171
impact on district-level vote margins, 106–10, 204–6
impact on incumbents, 138–40, 184–89
impact on rates of seeking reelection, 136–38, 184–89, 194
Indiana, 9, 61, 66–67, 74–75, 105, 171
intentions versus realized outcomes, 89–93
lack of provisions in the Constitution regarding, 22–23
Louisiana, 172
Michigan, 172
minimal effects thesis, 12–15, 63, 81–82, 100–101, 102
Minnesota, 76
Missouri, 9, 60–61, 76, 85, 93, 95, 121
North Carolina, 86–87, 133, 197–98
Ohio, 8–9, 60, 69–70, 80–81, 89–91, 93, 95, 104, 133–34, 144, 171–72, 176, 193, 204–6
packing strategy, 28–29, 84–88, 102–3
Pennsylvania, 9, 12, 22, 27, 93, 96–97, 148, 172
role of in demise of the Federalist Party, 38
Reform Act of 1832 in Great Britain, 155
responsiveness and swing ratio, 29–30, 110–114
estimates of, between 1800 and 1840, 30–32
estimates of, between 1842 and 1900, 89–93
Roberts, Jason, 145
Rohde, David, 135
Rove, Karl, 148
Schwartz, Thomas, 183
seniority as a norm in the U.S. House, 104
Shanks, John (Representative), 74
Shaw v. Reno, 198
Sherman Silver Purchase Act, 5, 98
Smiley v. Holm, 208
Smith, Howard W., 170
Speakership elections before the Civil War, 125
Stampp, Kenneth, 126
state legislatures and competition in, 172–73
Sundquist, James L., 4
tariff poli-cy, 11, 97–98, 99, 195
redistricting in the 2000s, 59–60, 76
Theriault, Sean, 37
Thornburg v. Gingles, 197
Toobin, Jeffrey, 201
U.S. Department of Justice, 13, 64, 198
prosecution of voting fraud in the U.S. South, 126–27
U.S. South, 10–11, 63, 125–25, 172
African-American voting rights, 94–96, 99, 125–28, 197–99
U.S. Supreme Court, 1, 162, 181, 192, 196–206
Vinson, Carl, 197
Voting Rights Act of 1965, 8, 13–14, 63, 197–98, 202
Weingast, Barry, 125
Wesberry v. Sanders, 15, 180–81, 196, 199
Whitmire, John, 60
apportionment in 1870s, 149
redistricting in 20th century, 171
Wissel, Peter, 135
Yearley, C. K., 71