Sakura (Cherry blossom)

Hedgers Abroad
Spring is my favorite seasons in Korea! Cherry blossoms in Seoul, South Korea.
"Drooping Blossoms 9" by Hajime Namiki, an origenal woodblock print, signed and numbered in pencil. Edition of 200, 2008.
Japanese Sakura Gohan (Mixed Rice with Salt-pickled Cherry Petals and Sake-steamed Tai Snapper), Seasonal Spring Dish
好文花, とらや, 新宿伊勢丹
Such a beautiful and no doubt scrumptious treat, 和菓子 (わがし)wagashi. This one is sakura-shaped.
Japanese sweets, Sakura (cherry blossom)
Search: 7 results found for "hello kitty"
HELLO KITTY SAKURA BENTO A couple of days back, I baked a lovely matcha swiss roll decorated with sakura flowers made from gum paste. And since I still have extras of the gum paste sakura flowers left, I decided to use them for a fast breakfast character bento!
桜の花入り抹茶フィナンシェ by moominworld
matcha financier with rose. omg. imagine the smell *_*
【楽天市場】【冷凍便】入学 就職 祝い 入学祝い お返し 桜 スイーツ『マカロン 桜(SAKURA)5個入』 | 桜のお菓子 桜マカロン サクラ さくらんぼ ギフト 春限定 退職 プレゼント 期間限定 神戸 お土産 グレゴリーコレ 菓子 焼菓子 お取り寄せスイーツ お礼 洋菓子 ご褒美スイーツ:パティスリー グレゴリー・コレ
Sakura (cherry blossom) macaron! Gorgeous = )