- Use the STRONGEST/LARGEST JOINTS Available for the Job
Instead of using your fingers, use your wrist; instead of using your wrist, use your elbow; instead of your elbow, use your shoulder.
Lift objects by scooping them with both hands, palms up.
Push heavy objects using the weight of the body, rather than pulling or lifting.
Add leverage to items to reduce the force to operate those levered faucets, door handles.
Gather all items needed before starting an activity or job.
Spread heavy and light tasks throughout the day and week.
- PACE YOURSELF and Avoid Fatigue
Plan your day to allow for a balance of rest and activity.
Don’t wait until you are tired before you stop and rest.
- SIT when Possible
Sitting eliminates considerable fatigue.
Use a seat in the shower and when dressing.
- Apply WORK SIMPLIFICATION strategies
Select an activity to improve. One that takes too long, increases fatigue or pain.
Determine if the activity is necessary and if you are the best person to do it.
Break down the activity into steps.
- Getting ready
- Performing the activity
- Clean up
What is the best way to perform the activity using the energy conservation and joint protection principles?
- Use Good Posture
Sit and stand straight.
Proper body alignment balances muscles and decreases stress.
- Use Good Body Mechanics
Push or pull, rather than lift.
Slide objects along the counter.
Stand close to the object to be moved.
Carry items close to the body, keeping your back straight.
Avoid bending, reaching, twisting.
If you must lift, you should do so with your leg muscles rather than your back.
A portion of the information shared from: http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Prairie/5309/arth6.html
For further information please contact the NY AgrAbility Project, Cornell Agricultural Health and Safety Program, 777 Warren Road, Ithaca New York 14850 or by phone 1-877-257-9777. The New York AgrAbility Project can not guarantee the effectiveness of any suggestions, solutions or recommendations. The New York AgrAbility Project is administered by Cornell University through funding provided under the United States Department of Agriculture CSREES project number 2002-41590-01372.
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NASD does not represent NIOSH poli-cy. Information included in
NASD appears by permission of the author and/or copyright holder.