Decluttering and organising
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How to Declutter Sentimental Things Without All the Guilt
Do you struggle to declutter and downsize your memorabilia and keepsakes? Here are some strategies for decluttering sentimental items and learning to let go of some of the clutter. No-guilt tips for deciding which childhood art pieces to keep, hacks for preserving the memories they hold, and tricks for organizing and enjoying the items you do decide to keep.
How to Win at Decluttering Sentimental Items Without Feeling Guilty
You decluttered the rest of the house, so sentimental items are next? Strategies for reducing the amount of clutter and keepsakes you're holding on to without being racked by the emotional guilt that follows. Tips for figuring out what to keep, hacks for preserving the memories, and tricks for repurposing the emotionally draining clutter into a lifelong heirloom full of wonderful memories. #declutter #clutter #decluttering #sentimentalclutter #memories