The Lavāda signature bag is the luxury vegan leather handbag with 4-in-1 interchangeability. Exquisitely crafted by hand. You can use the black (or tan) base handbag alone or get more mileage by changing the outer cover and accessories for a totally new look. Fashioned from cactus vegan leather, microsuede lining and natural brass hardware. Good for you, good for the planet. This is mindful luxury at its best. Choose your favorite color to compliment your black bag. Each bag comes with: base bag Vegan Handbags, Vegan Leather Handbag, It Bag, Complimentary Colors, Sustainable Brand, Cosmetic Pouch, Black Bag, Embossed Logo, Brass Hardware

Lavāda 4-in-1 Interchangeable Bag (Black Base) - Burgundy

Product Details
The Lavāda signature bag is the luxury vegan leather handbag with 4-in-1 interchangeability. Exquisitely crafted by hand. You can use the black (or tan) base handbag alone or get more mileage by changing the outer cover and accessories for a totally new look. Fashioned from cactus vegan leather, microsuede lining and natural brass hardware. Good for you, good for the planet. This is mindful luxury at its best. Choose your favorite color to compliment your black bag. Each bag comes with: base bag